Is Meat good for the Brain?!


Is Meat good for the Brain? They say Yes. Them Too.

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1 week ago
See thats how you explain your lifestyle to people give them an Alternative not just Attack them like VeganConscript does.

1 week ago
2. Diet: Foley & Lee (1991), and Gibons (1998) have argued that the change in cranial capacity during the course of hominid evolution required dietary and developmental strategies that would sustain the cost of a large brain. Milton (1993) discusses the behavioural and physiological adaptations concerned with plant-eating, fruit-eating and meat-eating diets. The latter two diets require the development of mental skills such as memory for food locations and increased social co-operation for hunting and food sharing. The Australopithecine?s (judging by the size of their dentition) were herbivores and small brained. As the early hominids moved from plant eating to fruit and meat eating their teeth became smaller and the brains increased in size.

Comparative brain size is closely related to diet with leaf-eaters (folivores) having smaller brains with proportionally less neocortex in relation to body size than frugivores (fruit eaters).

1 week ago
Sure you can find omega 3 in nuts.. But explain the evolutionary effect of Diet on out species. If it were not for meat we would still be bumbling around the forest looking for plants. Meat made us intelligent.. You people seem to think you are on a Higher plane. You have no clue even where you came from.

1 week ago
This is true Einstein Switched to Vegetarianism a year before he died.. He was an Omnivore for the other 74 years of his life. Now did the sudden loss of all that protein kill him?

1 week ago
So carnivore's are unnatural? You would have one miserable lion if you fed it vegetables....Our teeth are designed to rip and cut meat.. They must be unnatural Too. But they grew naturally. We are part of the food web we eat things things eat us. Thats the way it works. Why does it matter that it had a face.. When you kill a plant pain like impulses surge through the plant. You are causing it pain.. I will say one thing Drum wizard you at least followed the links.

1 week ago
A couple at least you tried to debunk 4 I have 9

1 week ago
See thats how you explain your lifestyle to people give them an Alternative not just Attack them like VeganConscript does.

1 week ago
2. Diet: Foley & Lee (1991), and Gibons (1998) have argued that the change in cranial capacity during the course of hominid evolution required dietary and developmental strategies that would sustain the cost of a large brain. Milton (1993) discusses the behavioural and physiological adaptations concerned with plant-eating, fruit-eating and meat-eating diets. The latter two diets require the development of mental skills such as memory for food locations and increased social co-operation for hunting and food sharing. The Australopithecine?s (judging by the size of their dentition) were herbivores and small brained. As the early hominids moved from plant eating to fruit and meat eating their teeth became smaller and the brains increased in size.

Comparative brain size is closely related to diet with leaf-eaters (folivores) having smaller brains with proportionally less neocortex in relation to body size than frugivores (fruit eaters).

1 week ago
Sure you can find omega 3 in nuts.. But explain the evolutionary effect of Diet on out species. If it were not for meat we would still be bumbling around the forest looking for plants. Meat made us intelligent.. You people seem to think you are on a Higher plane. You have no clue even where you came from.

1 week ago
This is true Einstein Switched to Vegetarianism a year before he died.. He was an Omnivore for the other 74 years of his life. Now did the sudden loss of all that protein kill him?

1 week ago
So carnivore's are unnatural? You would have one miserable lion if you fed it vegetables....Our teeth are designed to rip and cut meat.. They must be unnatural Too. But they grew naturally. We are part of the food web we eat things things eat us. Thats the way it works. Why does it matter that it had a face.. When you kill a plant pain like impulses surge through the plant. You are causing it pain.. I will say one thing Drum wizard you at least followed the links.

1 week ago
A couple at least you tried to debunk 4 I have 9

depends on what kind of meat grass fed meat definately helps, the brain is composed of about 90% fats and cholesterol so you think that not eating fats and cholesterol would affect this. Vitamin A (retinol aka animal fat not carotenes) and D3 are also essential for brain development. Pediatricians (baby doctors) also say that a diet with cholesterol is essential for development of neurotransmitters and the brain. To completely eleminate one food group is a folly, you never know what your missing out on.

Your question is "is meat good for the brain?" Meat does nothing for the body one way or the other - it's the compounds found IN meat that are valuable to the body. We break down any food we eat, absorb the nutrients, then excrete the parts we can't utilize. It makes no difference to the body what the nutrients started out as, just as long as we get the nutrients we need.

And guess what? In your articles, it says that Omega-3 is good for the body. That is absolutely correct. It's good for heart health as well.

You don't have to get your omega-3 fatty acids from fish, you can get them from flax seeds, other botanical sources, and nuts.

You are barking up the wrong tree. Most vegetarians are primarily vegetarians to avoid causing harm to innocent animals, health is a secondary reason.

Alzheimer's disease has a genetic component as does Parkinson's disease. Meat eaters get Alzheimer's and Parkinson's...does that mean that eating meat CAUSES Alzheimer's and Parkinson's ?...NO, because as I said there is a GENETIC component.

If you want to clog your arteries and veins with cholesterol from meat and wind up with possible heart disease, stroke, diabetes, ED, etc, then go right ahead...No one is stopping you...but vegetarians are thinking on a higher plane than just selfishly about themselves...They consider the pain and suffering of other creatures. Omega 3's that are found in fish are also found in Flax seed and flax seed oil...

This is politics.

Nothing is more political than food. It's BIG business...and big corruption - of the facts.

Einstein was a veg.

Those links:
Washington = government = corrupted by money from beef ind.
Pubmed = medical = screw nature, theres alot of $ in sickness.
CBS = Gimme a break

Yes, people started eating meat - AFTER there brains got big enough to do something unnatural. And the ice age caused more meat-eating. Doesn't mean meat is better for us. For all animals, plants(fruit's my preference) are more agreeable than meat.

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