How can anyone condone factory farming?!


How can anyone condone factory farming?
i honestly believe that most people are kind and caring. most people dont know where their meat comes from.
i believe its ok to eat meat if its humanely raised.
hugh fernley wittingstall is a fine example of a good kind man raising good healthy animals to eat. i cannot eat any meat from a factory farm. they are evil places. if you buy cheap meat. ?????? animals suffer. i am vegetarian and i dont care if i miss out on nutrients. i would prefer to miss a nutrient than see any animal suffer. .

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1 week ago
telboy why cant you support animal rights?

1 week ago
oh malcolm no turkeys dont have a brain like ours. but they feel pain for gods sake

1 week ago
brainyandy. yes my question was badly written. i should have said its better for others to eat humanely reared meat . ive never knowingly eaten factory farmed meat and i am now a vegetarian. i hope that makes more sense

5 days ago
ohhhh!!jeffrey just look at where your meat comes from . say you dont care

1 week ago
telboy why cant you support animal rights?

1 week ago
oh malcolm no turkeys dont have a brain like ours. but they feel pain for gods sake

1 week ago
brainyandy. yes my question was badly written. i should have said its better for others to eat humanely reared meat . ive never knowingly eaten factory farmed meat and i am now a vegetarian. i hope that makes more sense

5 days ago
ohhhh!!jeffrey just look at where your meat comes from . say you dont care

Having looked through the quoted website, I have to consider that the few photographs shown aren't really representative of the total number of animals that are dealt with, and look to be captured instances by persons out to discredit.

What are your requirements to ensure that meat is 'humanely' raised - as humans are actually animals anyway.

I accidentally got caught up with some PETA representatives in China recently, and their only aim was to find and photograph instances of animal death, even when the animal had run out in front of a truck, this was blamed on the cruelty of keepers.

Please check your facts and comment after you have seen the evidence for yourself.

you don't have to miss out on nutrients that's why holland & barrett sell multivitamins.
i dislike factory farming & am a vegetarian long before factory farming was used.
they, Die-hard meat-eaters don't want to know, aren't interested in animal rights & meat means murder.

but seriously i doubt you'll convert anybody on here.
the ones that know, already know & the ones that don't care, will always NOT CARE.
so good luck.

Presumably, the owners of the farm will condone factory farming, as they will be making a fat profit out of it.

It isn't right, though.

Money. If it's cheaper and easier to factory farm, then for some people greed is enough justification.
If more and more people are educated about the horrors of factory farming, then less people buy the products and less money is made by the companies. We can make the change ourselves.

Not with you on this I'm afraid. I'm a carnivore through and through.
Do you ever really really know?

No, you don't.

And you cannot personally ever guarantee 'humanely ' raised.
All chooks get their throats cut. However well they are raised.
So, enjoy them.
Or don't partake.

i eat meat but i also do not like all of this factory farming it spoils the taste of the meat and the company's pump it up with water so they earn more money from the weight of the meat but i will not support the animal rights movement

I like cheap meat and lots of it. The only way to do that is to produce on a large scale.
I don't agreed with pigs and cattle being housed in factories, but since birds don't need much room I think it is alright to factory farm them as long as it it done by the guidelines.
I don't think turkeys have much of a brain if any, so I doubt if they understand they are being bred for food. They will be happy if they are fed and watered and have some room to move around. Plus they will have lots of friends to talk to and to socialise with. They may even be better off being looked after indoor than having to fend for themselves outdoors.

It'd be a great world if everybody felt the same way but unfortunately the world doesn't revolve around caring for your fellow man or other living things.

The average person cares not where their meat comes from but rather more with how much it costs which is a shame because not only does that mean defenseless animals have to suffer but these people are missing out on good tasting food for the sake of a few quid.

Without a doubt the meat from well looked after livestock and poultry tastes better but money rules our world and as long as there a people who are prepared to eat poorer quality food so that the bills are paid and their children are clothed then there will be factory farming.

That's is awful. When buying eggs we never buy factory eggs, usually buy barn or free range eggs. I'm not sure how to go about telling where the meat we buy comes from. Does it say on the packets of meat if it was factory or not? I have been thinking about becoming vegetarians and sometimes experimenting with cooking vegetarian things. My brother's friend who is a vegetarian tells me you can get protein in mushroom, soya products, tofu and quorn. Not sure what other things can get protein in.

A slightly biased web-site that you have linked to, there are some very different farms out there too. It is fairly easy to find meat from "good" farms because they are proud of their work and will make sure that should you ask the butcher where the meat comes from he can tell you all about it. As in any commodity - you get what you pay for.

Yes most people are kind & caring. Also most people know exactly where there meat is coming from!

Orwell had it right as I recall it. "Doublethink" mean anything to you?

As for HFW I wouldn't give him the time of day! Apart from being a pompous prat he actually glories in eating the animals he raises.

To know, to not know or to choose not to know? These are difficult choices.

What I do know is that I saw animals bred & killed for the pot when I was a kid. I couldn't have eaten them.

As a non veggie now, that gives me problems....

Well so much for an honest answer dudes! Three thumbs down really depresses me. Only a few more answers to go & I can return to the land of the thinking..

Well it seems you have the limp wristed sandal - wearing brigade are on your side. It's difficult to answer your question when you say, "I believe it's OK to eat meat if it's humanely raised." You also add," I cannot eat meat from a factory farm" which implies you can otherwise! You then go on to say you're a vegetarian!

I appreciate that it's hard to put forward a constructive argument when your brain is deprived of mans natural food, but could you please try again. That way, normal people will be able to tell you where you're going horribly wrong.

katie, i know what you're trying to get across... but if you have a well-balanced vegetarian diet, you will not miss out on nutrients. all "nutrients" that can be found in meat can be found in plant-based foods and grains.

as for animals suffering, ALL animals suffer when they are dying, regardless of what method is used to kill them. some may be treated more humanely, but after it's all said and done, they are still being murdered. also, free-range is not all that it's cracked up to be:

I eat meat, and I don't condone it. I get my meat from local farmers, the animals are not fed multitudes of growth hormones and are not dying side by side in overcrowded pens. I rarely get anything from the supermarket, like I said, I'm lucky enough to buy locally farm raised animals.

Its a simple case of supply and demand. People want to eat meat (myself included) so someone will farm the animals for slaughter to allow this. Your right I dont give much thought to where the meat on my plate came from. Maybe I should, but to be honest getting the best deal on food in my trolley is more important to me than whether or not an animal was in a good mood before it was shot in the head.
You may not like my answer but that is the way I and many other meat eaters feel.

Unfortunately you first premise is wrong.

Most people are not kind and caring.

The evidence is there for them all to see, and yet they still pay for this pain, cruelty, torture and death in order to satisfy thier taste buds.

If they say they are kind and caring, then buy meat, they are kidding themselves. They are not kidding anyone else, we can see the hypocrisy.

Meat-eaters tend to have a mindset that is so different to veggies that its often difficult to comprehend. They have NO worrries in killing or eating dead animals. They also have many false arguements to help relieve thier guilt. Again, its all about kidding themselves.

Also, people tend to blame the farmers. Again this is false, I live in the middle of the farming community and be quite clear, farmers do not want to do this, they are driven by price, which is drived by meat-eating consumers.

(look at the answer above - price means everything to some people ). I've got no problem with that, so long as they accept what they are responsible for and don't try to deflect the cruelty onto other people. Having seem Mick B's other answers, i think he would be willing to accept its his responsibility. Fair enough, if thats your mindset and core values.

We have pet cows, sheep and chickens. They are full of character, they run to greet me, they "help" when i'm in the fields, they like being fussed over...why do meat-eaters think they are somehow different to cats and dogs ?

Don't worry about your veggie diet, you are not missing out on any nutrients. I've been veggie for 27 years and have no problems without supplements, never ill. I also own an arable farm so am hardly a pale weakling as many people eaters would have people beleive of veggies.

Have conviction in your beliefs, educate ( if asked ) , don't pontificate.

I disagree with Sprinkle ( below ) when s/he says "If the customers knew the facts, less would buy". Not true, people DO KNOW, the facts and evidence is laid out many times, they choose to ignore or deny.

I would also like to believe that most people wouldn't eat cheap meat if they saw where it came from, but it's sadly not always the case.

I have a some meat eating friends who are lovely people and who claim to love animals. While I don't (usually) give them a hard time over eating meat, I once showed them some stuff on the internet about how bad factory farming is, and although they were disgusted (one of them cried), it hasn't stopped them buying the rubbish. One little hunger pain and they're in (gag) McDonalds, like a shot. Now one friend in particular gets quite annoyed with me if I ever even bring up the subject of factory farming.

It would seem that most people just like to shut their eyes, put their fingers in their ears and say "la la la la" really loud until the nuisance goes away.


if you buy ANY sort of meat no matter which animal or where it has come from it is still cruelty.
animals are living,caring,feeling creatures they have respect for us and then freaks go and eat them it disgusting i disagree with any type of animal abuse,i and alot of other people will fight till the day we die to help stop evil tourcher!!!

I'm not a vegetarian, I like all meats, but feeding animals in unnatural ways, factory farming, cows for example waste bovine material processed into high protein food (MAD COW Disease?), a nice fast 'buck' for industrialists. I'm totally against.

you shouldn't miss out on anything if you eat well except being a part of the most evil thing man has ever done.The in slaving of another species to provide sustenance is beyond comprehension to me

I will try to answer your question.
Many farmers condone factory farming because they see animals as no more than a factory product.
The government (any British government since the start of the factory farming methods) Condone factory farming because it brings plenty of taxes in to the treasury, and because the people want the cheap food.
The shops condones factory farming, because they can sell it to their customers for profit, many shops encourage it to keep prices down, and sell more.
The customers who buy factory farm products condone it because it is considered safe, it is cheap, the government supports it, because they were told the animals do not suffer, because the shop sells it, because other people buy it, and because the adverts for the products do not show the filthy state the animals are kept in.

If the customers knew the facts, less would buy, if they felt responsible for the suffering, or had to inflict the suffering on the animals themselves most would not buy.

How many people realize the filthy conditions broiler chickens are kept in?
How many know that the ducks they buy from supermarkets never saw any water to swim on, but were kept in darkened sheds all their pathetic lives.
How many people have seen caged battery hens, or of those who have seen them, how many were told they feel no pain?

The solution honest advertising, show where the meat was raised. Lets have more TV programmes showing how animals are treated, including childrens programmes where currently hens always run free.

Presenting the farming methods as animal terrorism, would only be presenting the truth.

The website is American but I looked at the battery farm pictures it is very similar in the UK.

I don't think there are many people who actually support factory farming; people just don't know about it or choose not to know about it since they know the truth is ugly.
I personally don't believe we should eat meat at all (We don't need to eat it, so killing for it is unjustified.), but I think humanely raised meat is better than meat from regular slaughterhouses.
If your diet is planned well, you probably aren't lacking in any nutrients. Go to your doctor and ask to have your blood drawn. Explain to them that you're a vegetarian and want to see how healthy your diet is. If you DO need something, you can always find vegetarian vitamins.

I actually don't care, Meat is good I don't care where its from I mean its not like the animals know they are being raised for food. You must make 200,000 a year if you have time or money to look for human raised meat.

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