Know anything about spaghetti squash?!


Know anything about spaghetti squash?

does it really only have 40 calories per cup? is there any fat in spaghetti squash? and can you eat too much? today it has been the only veggie i've eaten and i've had 5 cups of it. whadaya think??

Additional Details

1 week ago
(i eat it with no-calorie spray butter and natural herbs)

1 week ago
(i eat it with no-calorie spray butter and natural herbs)

I made spaghetti squash for dinner tonight! I added the cooked squash to sauteed red peppers, onions, and mushrooms and then stirred in some tomato basil sauce, chopped Tofurkey sausage, vegan paremesan on top. Yum! I sent a friend home with a plate and he called in to say he gave it an A+++ (yes, THREE pluses). It's the first time I've made it so it was pretty exciting for me. I'm already thinking of new things to do with it - like cold with diced cucumbers and tomatoes and a little olive oil and pepper...mmm!

I hope that's not all you're eating, though. Man was not meant to live on spaghetti squash alone.

It sounds to me like you should incorporate other veggies into your next meal for a more balanced diet. Eating too much of one thing is bad for you no matter how healthy it is in moderation.

Okay, eating 4 cups of any squash is very good for you and extemely low in calories. BUT it's what you put into or on the squash to flavor it that can add up to lots of calories. Personally I cant eat any kind of squash steamed plainly. I need to dress it up with butter or oil or whatever. If your eating it with out any kind of fat and you like it that way, I would say that you could eat as much as you want.

Spaghetti squash contains many nutrients including folic acid, potassium, vitamin A, and beta carotene. It is also a food low in calories, averaging 75 calories in 8 cooked ounces.

It's great with loads of melted butter and brown sugar. If you have had 5 cups and still going ... do your family a favor and use your neighbor's bathroom.

It is fat free and good for you!

Try some spaghetti sauce over it...or a can of diced tomatoes....YUMMMY

I agree with the other writers - you need to mix it up a bit - but then, sometimes we have a great big squash and we want to get rid of it to go on to other things....

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