Gas or electric, what do you use for cooking?!


Gas or electric, what do you use for cooking?

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1 week ago
SPELB im amazed by your amswer

1 week ago
SPELB im amazed by your amswer

A gas hob really is the way to go. Flames are so much better for cooking, as you're able to control and monitor the heat far more easily.

Both.........I have a gas hob and a electric oven.

We use gas in my apartment complex.

depends on what are you cooking?

I thought you were going to mention guitars then,,,,,,,, please excuse the plonker in me, I'm just going to kick him in the goolies

The place I'm living in at the moment has an electric cooking appliance and I really don't like it. I prefer to cook with gas.

Gas is better...hands down.

Electric for the last two years and I've ruined more food in that time then in the rest of my life. I have no choice, there is no other cooking method available in my flat...

I grew up with electric and still love it. Unfortunately I only have gas stoves and ovens now. I hate gas.

either one

For oven cooking, either gas or electric gives pretty much the same result -- check cost with your utilities providers. As far as cooktops, I think most cooks will agree gas is the way to go. It is easy to control and there is no warm-up or cool-down time, which can make cooking a lot easier! Additionally, adjusting the flame for heat gives you far more flexibility than an electric's "high, medium or low!"

I use electric and wish it was gas :)

i use electric, im too much of a liability with gas

gas ,it's so much cheaper than electricity

I have always cooked with electric as have never lived anywhere with gas! How weird - I wonder if my cooking would be better with gas!!

Gas, hands down. I had an electric stove years ago in an apartment and it was torment!!! Gas gas gas. Did I say I prefer gas? ;)

Both, depending on what Im cooking.


I use electric,which I love because I am afraid of using gas,but I hear that gas cooks great,I have been wanting to get a gas grill,but still have that fear of igniting it,lol.And to with gas you can still cook when the power is off,so that is a good advantage.

A microwave


I use gas, never looked back!

We don't have gas where I live so have always used electric but would really prefer a gas hob as electric takes so long to warm up and cool down. Don't like gas ovens though so ideally I'd like half and half!

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