Did i ruin my diet?!


Did i ruin my diet?

okay so today this is what i've aten so far..

breakfast: 1 peice of whole wheat toast w/ natural chunky peanut butter, a non fat yogurt, grapes, & an apple.

lunch: a water

snack: a coffee, a pear & then i ate a WHOLE BAG of Quaker brand snack mix (baked cheddar).

did that just ruin my whole diet? ^^ should i eat anything else for today?

Well, your lunch was a disaster. You should have had a balanced lunch and then you may have been able to resist the Quaker brand snack mix.
You can't un-eat it now so start afresh from now. DO eat something this evening, otherwise you'll only overeat again.

Just get back on track w/ something healthy for dinner like a protein & green veggie or salad.

um, you should have had a balanced lunch. then you would not have been so hungry that you ate a whole bag of snack mix.

anyways, you did not "ruin" your whole diet. just try to do better tomorrow.

First off there are many, many worse things to eat than a WHOLE bag of snack mix.

Secondly, the wonderfully perfect thing about watching what you eat is the Scarlett O'Hara method of "Tomorrow is always another day"

Don't let one little, tiny slip cause you to give up. You are fine!!

If you need the salty crunchy fix (like me) try whole wheat crackers, Kashis are great!!! And they are full of fiber, fiber makes you feel fuller longer!!

And I agree, you need to EAT!!! Skipping lunch or starving yourself puts your body into starvation mode and it will hold on to ever calorie you give it. Eat a salad loaded with protein, like boiled eggs and turkey or chicken at lunch, add all your favorite veggies to it. Or have lean deli meat on whole wheat bread.

First off, YOU NEVER RUIN a diet, there are days you may waiver a bit, but you cannot ever ruin it unless you stop all together. Never beat yourself up about things when you slip up. A bag of quaker brand snacks well, that probably wasn't too horrible, not like eating a gallon of ice cream at once. You sound like you are eating really healthy and you should allow yourself days to indulge and not feel deprived! You not eating the rest of the day will kill your metobolism and then you will ruin your diet, you have to keep eating even small portions throughout the day to keep your metobolism going. People that just don't eat will have their body shut down and it will work against them.

the reason you ate a whole bag of snack mix is because you skipped lunch! Water is not lunch! ;)

Seriously, skipping lunch made you OVERhungry. Then when you do start eating, you can't stop because you are just too hungry. Add in that your entire diet today was solid carbs and it is REALLY really hard to control your appetite with such a carb-heavy diet.

As far as did you ruin your diet? Every day is a new day. You can't just toss up your hands and consider it a loss if you make one mistake. You can start new tomorrow though. Try this tomorrow:

breakfast: 3 scrambled egg whites, 1 slice whole wheat toast

snack: cottage cheese

lunch: salad with lettuce, cucumber, 1 can water-packed tuna, your favorite vinaigrette or light dressing

snack: cherries, peach

dinner: grilled chicken, large spinach salad, sauteed yellow squash.

Your calorie level will be nice and low, super healthy food, plenty of fruits and veggies and not high carb first thing in the morning! Starting your day with a carb heavy breakfast makes your body NEED carbs every couple hours! Unless you are a heavy-duty workout and exercise fan, this won't make controlling your appetite even remotely possible. Good lucK!

I suppose this answer relies on knowing what kind of diet you're on! Water for lunch doesn't work on any diet, and that's likely why you "splurged" on the snack mix! Regardless, what you've eaten is relatively low calorie and you have plenty to spare for a dinner w/ fish or chicken and veggies. 3 nicely balanced meals, watching your fat intake, should generate some weight loss. Try combining a daily brisk walk or other exercise, too. But water for lunch? You won't be able to keep that up and feel healthy.

You can't blow a diet in a day, think of it as a life time of doing your best to eat healthy. When you don't, start over again asap. Today you screwed up when you didn't eat lunch, you allowed yourself to get too hungry. I'd eat a salad and some protein, like chicken or a hard boiled egg and call it a day. Tomorrow don't go more than 2 hours without eating something. Start your day with some protein

Eat something like a salad and grilled chicken for dinner. One big snack wont ruin your entire diet, dont worry!


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