Not intending to offend anyone but,?!


Not intending to offend anyone but,?

why do people choose to be vegetarians? Man is a omniviorus animal and it seems natural to consume at least some meat.

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6 days ago
I wish to remind you that animals are not 'people' and it is my sincere belief that some kinds of animals were born to die and be eaten!

6 days ago
I wish to remind you that animals are not 'people' and it is my sincere belief that some kinds of animals were born to die and be eaten!

6 days ago
I wish to remind you that animals are not 'people' and it is my sincere belief that some kinds of animals were born to die and be eaten!

6 days ago
I wish to remind you that animals are not 'people' and it is my sincere belief that some kinds of animals were born to die and be eaten!

hi, dances_with_unicorns. nice to meet you! now you know a vegan who does not take any supplements! :o)

however do you deal with yourself? for you are a fool for having no knowledge on animal habits. animals have feelings. yes, go ahead and look it up. they have instincts, and they are also capable of love and companionship. even a chicken who was given duck eggs to incubate hatched them and proceeded to take the baby ducklings to the water... how intelligent! far more intelligent than what little brain you seem to have!

and... what would possess an animal to kick and scream when it's being put in a position where it's not comfortable? true, they may not know that they are about to be slaughtered, but fear is a common feeling that we feel, too, isn't it? of course animals are not like humans in the sense that they don't get up in the morning, make their cup of coffee, go to work, make dinner, and go to sleep. but like a baby cries for his mother when he wants attention or is hungry, a baby calf, who will be made into veal, also cries for its mother when it is separated from her shortly after he is born.

i'll be nice and spare you the thumbs down. have a nice life! :o)


if you're really curious about vegetarianism, then please read "Diet For A New America" by John Robbins. it contains tons of information, and will provide proven research and facts against any anti-vegetarian argument.

excerpt from the book:
"The human intestine is anatomically different from that of the natural carnivores, such as dogs and cats. Because of the design of their intestines, these animals are virtually guaranteed shorter transit times.

"Our bowel walls are deeply puckered; theirs are smooth. Ours are full of pouches; theirs have none. Our colons are long, complex pathways...; theirs are short, straight chutes... The toxins from putrefying flesh are not the problem for them that they are for us because everything passes through them so much more quickly. Dogs, cats, and the other natural carnivores do not get colon cancer from high-fat, low-fiber, flesh-based diets. But we do."

best wishes.

Because they prefer not to kill innocent animals to consume them. And also, because they relized that animals have the same rights as us (no, not to vote :) ), but to live normal lives without getting eaten, and that there are otherthings to eat too

i think some people find it sad to eat animals. There are a lot of people who find that animals have souls too and eating them just means slaugtering them. You dont see people eating humans...

because people dont like the way they kill the animals so they eat veggies ensted and vegan does the ame but doesnet eat any animal product or use any animal products

because their brains are smaller than ours

OK, I 'm not a veggie but I've been hanging on YA long enough to know that the whole thing is not always about animals. It is a lifestyle. It is a conscience decision to take control of one's health. And even me, a meat eat through and through, cannot argue that they eat a helk of a lot healthier than I do!!

Look, who cares who eats what. Just don't try to shove your believes down someone's throat, but certainly have an open and I believe you do by coming on here and asking your question.

Some people just sympathize with anything living. Others don't like the taste, others think that it's healthier. I don't eat red meat because I don't like it.

Exactly right.

Research in the last twenty years has proven you need some source of a concentrated protein which has had to ammend the previous thinking. I use to think that too.

Still, writers can be persuasive even if mistaken.

In any case, it does no harm, so long as you have no problem eating meat. The others will come around if and when they choose to.

I would agree with you; it seems that every person I meet who is a vegetarian goes on about "not killing innocent animals" - and yet they have NO qualms about taking supplements to get the nutrients that they need that can only come from animals. I often wonder where they think those little pills come from - magic?? I think most people who are vegetarians give animals far too much credit for having human-like feelings, when in fact animals act almost totally on instinct. While I would never want to be cruel to an animal (such as purposely causing excessive pain or prolonging the killing process for some weird sort of enjoyment), I think that an animal that is killed quickly and as painlessly as possible simply doesn't have the intelligence to see what's coming as we would, and isn't shaking in its proverbial boots worrying about when it's going to die.

I'm sure my answer will upset a lot of them, and I'll get some thumbs-downs, but I have no patience for fools, and I have no qualms about insulting what little brains some of them seem to have ;-)

I know that my girlfriend became a vegan due to animal rights reasons. Personally, I am a vegetarian because I just feel better. Besides, there is a lot of literature out there that shows that man my not be omniviorus.

Just because man is an omnivore in order to survive, doesn't mean that meat is ideal for consumption. Besides, any nutrients you get from meat you can get from plants, eggs, and dairy also.

Actually, the teeth and digestive system of humans are more comparable to a herbaviour. What we consider canine teeth are not true canines but rather more rounded and cone shapes. The digestive system has trouble digesting flesh and often confuses meat with the stomach and intestinal linning itself. Many researchers believe the consumption of meat is the leading cause of colon cancer. I chose to be a vegetarian due to my moral beliefs. I didn't agree with the slaughter of animals or the way they are treated. I later discovered that a vegetarian lifestyle is much healthier and I had more energy and lost 15 lbs. Some people say the animals are killed quick and painless but that has been proven to be false. There are so many videos on the internet about people breaking animals legs and watching them try to walk or they break bones while confined in too small of spaces and suffer. Anyone who believes these animals do no feel pain is ignorant and yes they do know what is coming otherwise they would not try to get away or put up a fight. It's simply cruel and inhumane to contribute to unnecesary slaughter. As for things you need from meat there aren't any. You can get protien from nuts, beans, and legumes and vitamin B12 from vegtables. People who say you need meat to be healthy are uneducated about what they do need and no people do not need mercury. In fact it's very toxic and can easily kill someone.

vegetarians are usually pale or have slightly yellow tinted skin, thats cause its not natural and humans are meant to eat meat. vegetarians dont get enough mercury, so they eat pills of mercury thinking they are cool.

cuz its yucky and mean!
any way, you KNOW that this will offend us, so why do you even say it?

Well, for me the key word is one you used: choose. I choose to be a vegetarian because I have the luxury of that choice. I am capable of eating meat but I have such a wide variety of foods at my disposal that I need never choose to slaughter another sentient being to nourish myself.

i did because nothing deserves that pain and suffering of animals. no my choice wont change you or anyone else but i know im doing all i can to help these innocent creatures and i feel better that i am not contributing to a mass producer of tortured animals AND man rarely ate meat as cavemen RARELY it is proven that it was around once a year and it was lean meat, not hamburgers and hotdogs

vegetarians, on average, live longer than meat eaters. it's just a healthier way of life. i think that's why some people do it.

I doubt you're offending anyone but veggies are prepared for this debate. Humans are NOT omnivores, which is why so many people suffer from heart disease from all the saturated fat they consume from hamburgers, pork chops, etc.

Humans have a small jaw and small canine teeth which are inadequate for meat eating. They also have a long digestive tract compared to that of a short one of a carnivore such as a lion. We are not adequately equipped with claws and keen eyesight to catch and kill prey. Mother nature would not design us to have a diet which we cannot fulfill. And most telling is our gag reflex when we smell decomposing flesh, which tells us not to eat it. This would not happen in the case of a carnivore or omnivore. It would kill us whereas they have a gut that handles the toxic bacteria.

to anyone who thinks that animals are too stupid to feel pain, consider that a pig is smarter than a dog. Does your dog not feel the same range of emotion as you do? fear, excitement, jealousy, etc.

and anyone who thinks that animals are slaughtered humanely, pull your head out of your @ss for a second to watch this video.....

because they harm them and if you buy the meat from them then you are supporting them harming the animals. sometimes they evan skinn them alive!

aI I has done her research--listen to her. No offense but--humans are actually naturally herbivores and anyone who touts that it is natural for us to be carnivores is ignorant and should do some actual research on the subject before espousing their opinions all over the veg section of Y!Answers. I chose to be veg because of the despicable meat farming industry and remain veg because it makes me happy and healthy:)

PS Very well put mookiemonkee. Dancing with Unicorns may have a difficult life ahead of her if she keeps up with her ignorant assumptions and unnecessary insults! I don't take supplements either:o)

Yes, it does seem natural to consume meat. But are slaughterhouses and the way the animals are treated natural? I became a vegetarian because it sickens me that people can treat animals the way they do.

Because the idiots think they are harming the animals, I dont belive this about all vegans but just animal activist groups like PETA.

Al l and wander wonder have it correct humans are not omnivores. Do your research.

that's ur opinion, to me, man is a frugivor, it is more natural... if man was omnivor, then why do we get sick from raw meat unlike other omnivors? why is meat so hard to digest?

Check out this video by Dan Piraro, writer of Bizarro about humans being meat eaters:

It's fun and has some interesting insight. :-)

And by the way, about the vitamins comment... there is an entire website dedicated to only vegetarian vitamins. All come from plant and mineral sources, not meat. There are also labels that say suitable for vegans or vegetarians on regular drugstore vitamins. All of the vitamins I take are vegan friendly.

I guess they think killing deffenseless plants that are raised for the sole purpose of being eaten is better than killing animals(plants have feelings too!). Oh and vegetarians get anemia.

some do it for health benefits, some do it for animal rights, some do it to be different. it depends on the person. i, personally, am vegan because i don't support the meat, dairy and egg industries, i don't support specieism(sp?) and i don't support unneeded death (or death in general but we're talkin about veg*nism here :))

i also believe that if we were supposed to eat meat, we catch it and eat it raw like every other meat eater out in nature does.

They want to avoid meat due to health reasons or they don't approve of the way animals are treated.

because they are alive as well as you and me u nor me would like to be killed just because someone wants u as there dinner. know plz dont kill animals for your dinner

I'll save you the whole I don't wanna kill innocent animals spiel I just don't like the taste or texture of meat. I bothers me that I am eating some thing's flesh and I have no idea what that thing actually is unless I killed it, which I will never do. Yeah we were meant to be omnivores but different strokes for different folks. I'll leave my extra meat for you ;) lol

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