Does chicken have as much cholesterol in it as ground beef?!


Does chicken have as much cholesterol in it as ground beef?

If prepared on a gas grill with no extra seasoning?

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6 days ago
iluvchris: minor reading comprehension issue there? I said "grilled."

6 days ago
iluvchris: minor reading comprehension issue there? I said "grilled."

Cholesterol is found in all animal products or products that come from an animal. If you have roasted chicken with no skin, it will be aprox. the same MG. of cholesterol as the ground beef, about 85 MG. If you have something like friend chicken WITH the skin, it would be more like 165 MG.

depends on if tis fried or grilled that makes the total difference! Hope this helps!

-KMD AHH 27!!!

Chicken is somewhat lower in fat than beef, but it still contains quite a bit of fat and even more cholesterol per calorie than does beef or pork.
Although it is true that some chicken cuts are more nutritious than beef, commercially raised grain fed chicken is not as healthy as one may think. In fact, chicken contains just as much fat and cholesterol as beef. More importantly, chickens are often not allowed to run due to space-constrained coops. They are further tainted with pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, and preservatives to increase productivity and taste.

As far as I know, no it has far less. If you are concerned, might I suggest looking into some nutritional websites. Thos are always helpful. Good Luck.


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