Could someone give me some advice on liking to drink water??!


Could someone give me some advice on liking to drink water??

I really need to drink water!!! But I hate the taste!! I have tried lemon and those splenda things that you shake into it, but it don't work. Has anyone else gone through this!!! Any advice hear besides what I have tried!!!

I used to hate it too, but now i drink it all the time! I had to really just force my self to do it, I always make sure its ice cold then it seems to be easier. Also I really like adding the Crystal light packets to the water they add flavor and are yummy, I only drink like one or two glasses with the packets then I drink the rest plain. Also try putting a mint leaf in it, i heard that helps the flavor! um yeah basically tell your self you like it and drink it, you need to its going to help your body!

try filtered water or lemon juice in your water , cold is better tasting, Gatorade powder! drink or suffer the consequences!

There's no real way you can simply *like* water, but if you just need a lot of liquids and not a lot of sugar ans chemicals and carbonation, you could drink some low caffeine and low sugar iced tea with a bit of lemon. If not that, you could chew on ice cubes, but I heard thats not always good for your teeth.

Have you tried putting lots of ice in? I hate lukewarm water, but I love it when it's ice-cold.

Get water that has Barley and Malt in it.

I have the same problem. I absolutly hate drinking bottled water, unless I am really thirsty. Try drinking flavored water. The store brand ones from Walmart and Fry's are my favorite. They taste good and they are cheap too!!

For me, i hate to drink water too. I drink less than 500ml per day. But it cause me to have problem passing motion.

My way to get away from this bad habit is to take morning tea/coffee, to take soupy lunch, drink sugared canned drinks (although i know it's not good). I can finish my honeyed drinks fast and go toilet fast. Just control the honey you put in the water, so it does "make you fat"...

I started drinking sparkling waters in different flavors and now it's about all I drink. For some history, I used to drink a six pack of pepsi every day for 30 years. Thought I would never stop. Now I cant even smell pepsi without getting nauseaous.
Good luck with the water thing-try making it really cold-it's better that way.

i only drink my water ice cold. bottled water taste better than my tap. so i go with that. also started to drink the flavored water-fruit2o by kraft. has a bit of an acid taste and splenda, but no calories.

add a tad of honey and apple
cider vinegar (equal parts blended) to
the water before drinking dear

First off... my water has to be ice cold and I don't like water with lemon it in it... but I do like water with lime. It really seems to have a more pleasant mellow taste to it. My favorite bottled water is Aquafina- absolutely the best!! Also Gatorade makes Propel in a lot of different flavors that don't have the real bad aftertaste that some flavored waters have. They also make it with calcium in it if you need or prefer that. As far as those mixes go - I find that if you use about half the amount they suggest... it taste much better.

Not all water is equal. Have you tried Spring Water? Spring Water often has the best taste and nutritional value.

You don't have to buy fancy brands either. My 2 favorite spring water choices are Walmart (Sam's) brand and Publix brand spring water.

Try cutting out other types of drinks (as much as possible) for at least 2 weeks and also try different brands of water to find the one(s) that you like the taste of best.

Ooo That happened to me!! I wouldnt drink water AT ALL for 3 months! I got dehydrated one day and fainted and then the doctor told me i had to keep trying water with different things and one way i got water to taste good is you know the bottle waters? I would take some of that out and put it somewheres else like in the fridge and then i would like take some tap water and mix it together and it'd taste better! now i LOVE water!!

try manyyy ideas do not give up on it because if you do you might end up really dehydrated like me!

Try installing a filtered water system in your home, if that doesn't work add vodka.

I've found that bottled waters can vary drastically depending on what brand you drink. For intsance, Evian has a very bland "tap water" taste while Desani or Ice Mountain has a crisper more clean taste.

For a good "thirst quenching" flavor (like when you've been working really hard in the heat & would give anything to just dive into a pool of water!) Try the bottled brands that say "enhanced with minerals" or "with added minerals". Not sure which minerals they use, but these waters have a distinct "refreshing" taste that will make you chug the whole thing down!

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