Have you read about the Dangers of these Common Food additives?!


Have you read about the Dangers of these Common Food additives?

Aspartame? Aculfame K? Sucralose? These are all artificial Sweeteners..Non organic milk? Filled with Hormones.. and Canola oil aka rapeseed oil aka LEER oil? A deadly Toxin..And Fluoride? Crest is trying to kill you...all poisons. This was the original reason I came into your Forum I know Vegetarians and Vegans are Very health conscious..
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We are being Poisoned

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1 week ago
The effects of Fluoride



1 week ago
The effects of Fluoride



First I gave up smoking. Then high fructose corn syrup. Then artifical sweeteners. Then chemical-laden beauty products (soaps, lotion, shampoos, etc.). Then meat. Then dairy and eggs. Every time I tried to make an improvement in my life my reasearch led to me to discovering just how awful other things in my life were until I got to the point where I am now. Next up is making a better effort to recycle and reduce household waste. At the rate I'm going I'll be perfect in no time. :)

I can't believe I spent so many years being completely oblivious to the things I put in and on my body. It's like we're all freaking zombies or something, just consuming whatever is put in front of us. It's kind of scary. I'm so glad I woke up!

Fluoride is especially scary to me. When I learned the truth about fluoride I seriously cried, it scared me THAT bad that the people in charge really have no clue. ( http://www.fluoride-history.de/... a lot of reading but worth it)

The artifical sweeteners scare the hell out of me, too. I aim for 75% of my daily food intake to be fresh fruits and vegetables and to at least be mindful of the processed foods I eat (try and buy organic, read labels, and avoid the worst of the worst). It's easy to get obsessive about this kind of stuff. I try to not get too freaked out and just live as simply as I can.

Anyway, we are not being poisoned. We are poisoning ourselves. We have a choice as to what we put in our bodies. We can't trust big corporations to do what's best for us. That's our job. The only power we really have is our dollars. Educate the people you know and don't support companies that you feel are hurting people - that's what I think is most effective. It's too out of control to see much change in our lifetime, but I think that we're moving to a more health-conscious future and if we teach our children to not stand for shoving any old trash in their mouths or slathering chemicals on their skin every day then eventually the numbers of more aware people will grow and that kind of thing will no longer be tolerated.

Good topic. I wish more people would learn about how dastardly some of this stuff is.

There are over 14,000 man-made chemicals added to our food supply today. Food additives are not natural nutrition for humans or their pets. Children are suffering the most from food additives because they are exposed to food chemicals from infancy, and human bodies were not meant to be exposed to the degree of chemicals and food additives that we are currently.

It is important for everyone to be aware of the types of chemicals and food additives they are consuming.

Flouride was one of the first ones I became proactive about..this is how i found out about the company tom's of maine as it was the only maker of toothpaste sold in my area that I could find without flouride in it..

Abel showed me this video on canola. I already knew canola was dangerous and had many negative associations, but learned a lot of new things from watching it..I recommend it.

As far as artificial sweeteners I consider them all synthetic poisons and are too unnatural to be good for us. I rarely touch them outside of when we goto pei wei's i sometimes use splenda in my tea because regular sugar doesn't seem to dissolve in this certain tea..and I like this certain tea sweet..lol. Everything in moderation though right? even poison >< just kidding of course..stay away from it all. =)

By the way Abel explained his situation/s to me and apologized for coming across to strong/biased originally..to all of us, not just me :) so give him another chance if he continues to post here.

I definetly avoid that stuff,I won't trust anything that is made by Monsanto(aspartame,msg,etc).


I'm so thankful that I'm off of all that stuff.
Good post. People need to be aware of all
these toxins and carcinogens.

thank you, i didn't know about canola oil. how thoughtful of you :)

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