Why does this happen when I drink diet coke?!


Why does this happen when I drink diet coke?

I would like to stop drinking regular sodas but whenever I try diet drinks (mostly diet coke) I notice that with each gulp it feels like my throat wants to close up. What's the deal with that?

I don't think it is an allergic reaction because you would have other things happening then just the feeling that your throat wants to close when you drink it......my suggestion would be to try other diet soft drinks to see if you have the same reaction....you might want to try one that you mix in a half liter bottle of water because it is not carbonated and see if you have the same reaction. let us know what happens.....

Maybe you're allergic with some of its unnatural ingrediants?

Maybe you're allergic to the sweeteners in diet coke???

Go see a Ear Nose and Throat Specialist or an ENT Doctor.That's serious!

you could be allergic.

its the fizz dont worry youll get used to it

Because your body knows that diet drinks are bad.

Because they have fake sugar in them. Just stay away from them as well.

Aspartame is ant poison and its found in most diet drinks these days..........

Try not to eat mentos at the same time.

Maybe you're allergic to the artifical sweetner they use in it to make it "Diet"

...its a possibility...


i have the same problem! i thihk its the fizz too! i just stopped trying and started drinking regular coke again..lol

THEN DON'T DRINK IT!!!!!!! ok :)

Because it's a horrible chemical concoction developed in a test tube, and it's not really food.

Trust your body's reaction on this one.

you're prolly allergic to the aspartame..
which is a legalized poison..
that isnt severe enough at one time for it to be labeled poisonous..
the company that makes it..
paid the people who were testing it to make it safe..
when its not..
gosh i feel like my mother..
but its true..
you have NO idea how much our health society lies to us.

Well Matt. I drink the same thing, and let me tell ya. It is so good. But maby ask your doctor to check out your tonsiles cause I had mine taken out and I now live Diet coke

Coke still uses drugs in their stuff man. I'll be addicted to soda 'till the day I die. Don't ruin the taste by drinking diet. That's like going from pure cocaine to smokin crack.

you know its all crap there is no use of you drinking diet sodas than the normal sodas... its no better...try drinking normal juices etc..even sugar frees have all other chemicals that will end you up in problem only!!

that soemthimes happens to me when i drink regular coke its prob cuz your body is just used to the way the normal coke tastes and its just feels diff cuz uy don't drink very offten just drink diet coke for a while it should stop after awhile it has to "adpat" lol well hope this helps

You could be alergic to some of the ingredients. You should go see a doctor and dont drink that stuff until you know whats actually happening.

Do yourself a favor: cut out all soda and start drinking flavored seltzers.

If you have time to read this. You could have an allergy to the attificial sweetener, or your body may not be used to it. Maybe try Pepsi. I know you are like "what the heck? they are the same!" But they aren't. I will only drink diet, but when I started, it did this too. Pepsi have less carbonate causing less reaction for your body. You may want to ask your doctor for the actual problem if this continues. Some people just "can't" drink diet pops. Some people don't want to and have them selves thinking, "why am I doing this?" So, there are many causes for this, but the most likely is, you aren't used to it, you have an allergy to it.

I love that "you shouldn't eat mentos w/ it!" lol

-good luck, and I hope this helped!

Here's what I found:
Aspartame, the low-calorie sugar substitute marketed as NutraSweet and Equal, can cause skin hives and SWELLING OF THE THROAT TISSUE, according to a medical researcher at Washington University in St. Louis. Anthony Kulczycki, an allergist and immunologist, says he has positively identified the aspartame allergy in six patients and is studying another 44 potential victims.
Click the link for more info, hope this helps! =)

diet soda its good... !!! I dunno what u guys are talking about.. at first I didn't like it but once I got used to it I just can't go back to regular soda... the taste is way to strong for me! Which brings me to my point "you just need to get used to it" I'm sure it's nothing..

good luck =)

best taste... less calories... 'sugar' not absorbed by body

Maybe your drinking to fast!

You don't like it....try Diet Dr. Pepper or Mountain dew

Sounds like an allergy to me! Start drinking ice tea sweetened with honey.

well did u ever think u where allergic to it.and anyways diet soda is bad for u it has a fake sugar in it i think it is called phenalien[sp?] it can make u very sick and even cause cancer theres was this chick who was really health and drank diet soda and after a few years was in a wheel chair because she was to weak to walk and she was terribly sick then she stoped drinking diet soda and ended up being able to get out of her wheel chair and walk again and she wasn't sick any more so please ever one don't drink diet soda it can KILL you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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