Do you find that certain bottled waters taste different?!


Do you find that certain bottled waters taste different?

I had a bottle of Deer Park water the other day, and I didn't care for it that much. When I told my mom how I didn't like the taste of Deer Park or Evian water, she told me I was wierd and that water is water. I just think those two have a funny taste that I don't care for. I actually prefer the taste of certain waters over others (my favorites are Aquafina, Dasani, and Fiji). I was wondering if anyone else had a distinguished taste for certain types of water? (If so, what are your favorites?) Or am I just wierd like my mom said?

yeah I'm like that too I prefer Fiji over all others. There are different factors that can affect the way water tastes.

Mineral Content: The amount and types of minerals that are naturally in water or added to water by the manufacturer can affect the flavor and aftertaste that water has.

Sodium content: Some water naturally has sodium in it, while other water has sodium added to it for taste. I know for a fact from reading the back of a Dasani bottle that the coca-cola company actually ADDS salt to Dasani to make it taste better. This is why some people complain that it tastes salty, and sometimes when I drink it, I get a headache. A relative of mine has a blood pressure problem and he is not supposed to drink a lot of Dasani because of the sodiun.

Location: Some water comes from springs which can alter the taste.

Water can be effected by the mineral content. Minerals are good for you & you need them in your body. Many bottled waters are just filtered so they end up having less mineral content.

you are not weird There are bottled waters that taste like plastic and some just cant be stomached. My favorite is Desani.

I think Dasani tastes gross and salty, kind of like old warm water even if it's fresh. I like bottled water that is from natural springs. My favorite is Ice Mountain water.

No, you're not weird. Water from different sources, water treated by different plants, and water stored in different types of containers can carry different tastes.

i like sams choice water it is the cheapest one i can find without a weird taste (yes i know what you are talking about) different companies use different filtering systems and add different minerals to the finished product

i defenitly taste the differences in favorite is fiji cause it tastes so much more fresh! so trust me when i say you are not wierd!

that is so true.. me too.. diff waters just taste really diff to me.. honestly deer park is like really thick for me 4 some reason... i really like poland spring and fiji and aqaufina.... they taste awesome.. love it cold!!! they go down so smooth..

well you're naive for buying evian water because if you spell evian spells naive, no wonder it tastes weird..and it cost so much too..

Its due to the fact that there is salt contents in certain levels ..... I know this to be true cause I bought my 8 month pregnant daughter a case of DASANI cause it was on sale and the doctor said no go to much salt for the baby and in her condition.

Yes! I can't stand Evian! Deer Park tastes just like Ozarka to me, which are both ok. I don't like Dasani at all, but Aquafina and Fiji taste pretty good to me. Maybe it's all in my head, but I really taste a difference.

I actually agree that types of water do taste differently. My favorite is Fiji. The taste of the water tastes differently depending on the location of where in the world it comes from.

I find that generally, the more expensive a water is the better it will taste... I still buy the cheapest generic brand water though as any bottled water is bound to taste better than regular old tap water.

if it's cold it all tastes the same to me.

No, your not weird! Or maybe I'm weird too =) I know exactly what your talking about. I like Aquafina water the best. My local gas station sells their own brand of water and I swear it tastes like they just filled it up out of the faucet, yuck!

No,your not weird. I usually only drink Dasani. In fact,that is the absolute only thing my mom will drink. My mom does not drink pop,juice,coffee,nothing other than water,which I kind of think is weird. But anyways My mom and I cant stand aquafina. It tast very chemicaly to me. So your not weird. If your weird than your not the only one.

Yeah, I don't like any bottled water, actually, because I find that they all end up tasting like the plastic. Some are worse than others... I have a particular distaste for Polish Springs, and I just despise Aquafina.

I think that the water from my tap is delicious, though. It's what I've grown up drinking. And, not that I'm trying to lecture you, but I don't feel guilty when I drink tap water either. Bottled water wastes a lot of plastic and depletes many niches from water-dependant environments.

Don't worry, you are not weird. Every brand tastes different. I found out, that Arrowhead or the Kirkland brand are much worse than tap water. It depends if it's a spring water or just distilled water and what kind of process they use to "clean" the water. Some of the bottled water is enriched with minerals, and it again, tastes completely different. I have 1 year old so I do buy either Alhambra enriched with fluoride or the "nursery" water. They both taste little sweet, probably because of the mineral content. On the go I like Crystal Geyser or the Trader Joe's brand.

Haha, you are weird. There was an episode of Penn & Teller "B.S." on Showtime that dealt with that topic. They staged a fake "water tasting" at a fancy restaurant so people thought they were trying all these exotic high-end waters. Turns out they were filling all the bottles with tap water from the garden hose on the patio of the place. People's reactions are so funny. Most of the people couldn't tell the difference. I think you can rent Season 1 on DVD. Its worth checking out for a laugh. That show rocks.

there are different types of bottled water some is spring water and some is just purified water evain is a spring water deer park actually has spring water and purified water, the best water in my opinion in fiji and if i can't find that then i take poland spring.

to me ice mountain water tastes funny the first couple of sips, it tastes like plastic[ew] but after a while it tastes fine, and its still my fav. water!

Every bottled water tastes different. My favorite is Poland spring or Fuji, they have a very clean taste. I do not like dasani or pelligrino.

There is a definite variation in the taste. It is because of the differing mineral content.

ur not wierd!!!....they are different...very different...
there is Poland Spring and i hate! that stuff
but i like Dasani and SPring!

i can tell flavored ones taste different but not just regular water. i always here how peoepl say fiji water is so good. but i really dont see a difference . to me water is water.

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