Should I drink Silk soy milk or Rice Dream rice milk?!


Should I drink Silk soy milk or Rice Dream rice milk?

I'm 14 years old and am a vegetarian. I want to decrease the amount of milk that i drink everyday so, i thought of buying either soy milk or rice milk. But, I dont know which milk i need to drink because I don't know which milk is healthier for a growing teen. Please do not tell me to drink cow's milk because I have already made up my mind anyway. So, any suggestions please?

Good for you! I'm happy to see an informed young man making a great change in his life.
I've had both types of milk. I currently drink Rice Dream. I think you should try both to see which one you like. Each one has high points and low points and every person is different.
I drank Silk for the longest. I switched back and forth between vanilla and plain. Both were great on my cereal and oatmeal...but when it was time to have a cookie, I found it a little thick to just drink for 'recreation', so to speak. Also be aware that not everyone's body can take a constant stream of soy products, so if you do choose soy milk, you might want to pick an alternative to switch back and forth.
I'm loving my Rice Dream. The consistency is very similar to that of a cow's skim milk (which is what I drank right before going to soy). This still does well on my cereal and oatmeal and it is much better for dipping my oatmeal cookies in it! :-)
I've also tried almond milk. Hated it. It was too grainy for me. But don't rule it out. Some people love it.
All the varieties have calcium and other vitamins and minerals added, so you'll be just fine where that's concerned.
Good luck! :-)

Silk soy milk is good because it has nutrients similar to milk and it tastes better

Silk is good, so is 8th Continent. Silk makes really good chocolate soy milk.

I have found Silk soy milk to be a bit more palatable than rice milk. They also have a Silk Soy Milk for kids that has extra vitamins for growing kids/teens... I think it's in a darker purple carton.

Try both and see which one tastes better to you, just be sure to check the amount of vitamins in each serving to be sure you are getting what you need.

Good Luck!

I drink/use a combination of soy milk, almond milk, and rice milk. Not all at once, but I rotate what I use. A growing teen doesn't need milk to be healthy. a growing BABY does, but you should have been off the teat for, oh, about 13 years or so by now :)
You do need a balanced diet with a lot of vegetables and fruits and grains, though. And if you're cutting out milk because of the fat do try and get some healthy fats every day. Like nuts or avocadoes or olive oil. Enjoy your growing up! Life is wonderful.

Both are about the same. Many people have a personal preferance to one or the other. I enjoy rice milk better than soy, it is not as thick.

I have found that some soy and rice milks taste different by company. I like some rice milks (rice dream), while others I don't care for, and te same with soy milk.

The thing is, you can always drink both. I often have rice, soy and almond milk in the refrigerator at the same time, and drink all three.

It's been years since I've tried rice milk..I should again. Back then I found it to be less thick and less flavorful..but I'm sure that's changed for me now, my diet is so refined now compared to then I bet I'd appreciate it now..and almond milk.

HEMP MILK! lol..sorry, try help milk..if you can find it cheap. I'm on a bit of a craze, but I avoided it for so long being naive thinking that it'd be thing I'm typically never known for.It's got awesome rich flavor. I saw it on sale for 2.50 for a quart at sunflower here so I grabbed it..but when I looked at there website online they wanted 4.59 a quart!!! thats about 18 dollars a gallon ><..just drink it sparingly if you do and continue to use soy,rice or almond milk. I drink it exclusively now, but will still cook with and use soy with my cereal.

im not a vegetarian but my friend is and i like silk but when i had Rice Dream it tasted like vanilla which i love. either is good

I stopped drinking milk years ago because I don't believe it is particularly healthy with me not being a baby cow and everything. Both soy milk and rice milk tend to be fortified with calcium so both are suitable alternatives. I find rice milk tastes slightly better but soya milk has a much wider range eg chocloate milk, alpro soya also make alternatives to cream and custard. It is worth bearing in mind that soya is a phytooestrogen ie a plant oestrogen so usefull if you are female in regulating hormone balance as well but not so great in large quantities if you are male.

Soy milk contains more calcium and protien. However, if you have stomach problems adjusting to it you may want to switch to rice milk. It is easier on your stomach but it's also made from rice which is a filler.

it all depends on your taste. soy milk is thicker consistency and has a more pronounce taste. rice milk is thinner consistency and isn't as pronounced. i drink the rice dream personally because i hate thick consistencies but it's all up to you. i think they both have enhanced or fortified options for better health.
good luck!

make your own millk, I make nut milk, the healthiest milk of all! Don't buy, when you can make it yourself and it'll be safer. will have the ingredients, just go to search and type in 'soy milk', 'rice milk' or/and 'nut milk'

Really it is up to you, I personally like soy milk... I've tried rice milk... I don't know if it was just me, but it was kinda oily or something... and not as thick and "milky" as soy milk.

Silk is good, try the chocolate, mmmmmm... I usually just get the store brand though, cheaper... not as thick as silk... but it works fine...
Someone said 8th continent, that is good too. But I would go with silk, 8th continent has all this other crap in it, that silk doesn't >my philosophy is: less is more :] <

My suggestion would be to try them both>rice milk and soy milk<, whichever one you like better... there you go...
They are both good for you :]

I like ENRICHED Rice Dream - rice milk. The original good. Enriched has as much calcium as milk but the regular Rice Dream does not have much at all. Also, too much soy gives me gas.......might want to think about that :)

I prefer Silk myself, but my friend loves Rice Dream. More a matter of taste preference. Both are good for you. :)

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