Why do I hate beer?!


Why do I hate beer?

All of my friends like beer and every time I take a drink I just say "How can you drink this crap?!" I mean I don't find beer remotely appealing whatsoever, it makes me gag. Why must I hate beer so? It sucks, if only I liked it...

I don't like beer either! I have never liked and I don't think that I ever will. I drink hard liquors only and I love it. Don't let it bother you. I have just as much fun as they do. Besides liquor gets you there quicker!

make it taste better , just mix it with other beer or add lemon or stuff , my friend once mixed these two types of liquor and it tasted like Dr.Pepper

hey !!
if you dont liek it dont drink it ! !loads of people find it doesnt suit their taste !!
dont feel about it !! drink somethign else

add a lemon for now. its an acquired taste especially if your young.

beer is an acquired taste. i used to say "why do i want to acquire the taste of something so vile" but then i did and i love it. you may be trying the wrong kind of beer for your taste. if you usually try domestic, yellow beer, maybe you should try a dark. shiner bock is good, but normally only available in texas. honey brown, sam adams, and anything that claims it has hints of brown sugar are usually pretty good. also, hard cider is nice. the trick is to find one you like and then find similar flavors. if it doesn't work, then always have a bottle of your fav alcohol when your friends drink around the house, and get used to paying extra when you go to the bar. this advice is also helpful when trying to enjoy wine, start with white zin, move to reisling, chardonay, then move to reds, pinot noir, cabernet, shiraz. good luck with your pursuits,

You don't have to like anything. Be different - be cool. Don't let your buddies rag on you. Someone has to drive - right?

yeah, its okay, drink fruity drinks with swirly straws, those are yum! --you will just look extremely gay.
nah, drink what you like, get whiskey and put it in coke, thats almost as cool as drinkin a beer.
or stop hanging with friends that drink cheap, skunky beer?

the decision is yours

Because it's disgusting.

You don't like beer because of HOPS, the flower that looks like a small green pinecone that gives beer it's distinct aroma and bitterness.

The good news is you don't have to like it at all. I chose to like it and kept at it until I did. There's literally millons of drinks out there for you to like.

If you WANT to try to like beer my suggestion is start off with something easy, what would be considered "watered down"
Anything from Budweiser, Coors lite, actually anything with light spelled LITE. Chill it until it is ice cold, the colder the better. If/when you can get through a case of that stuff (not all at one time just whenever) move to something of better quality. Yeungling lager, Blue Moon, Sam Adams...ect.

If all else fails.......Tequila!

"You don't like beer because of HOPS, the flower that looks like a small green pinecone that gives beer it's distinct aroma and bitterness."

I think the guy that wrote this is a complete idiot. How do you know it's the hop qualities that the OP doesn't like? Maybe it's the malt qualities.

To the original poster, if you and your friends are drinking the mass-produced beers (ie: Budeweiser, Coors, etc), try something different. Beers run the the entire spectrum when it comes to flavors. Try something Belgian (keep away from lambics for now), or some local microbews. It'll cost more, but you get what you pay for.

i know exactly what you mean. beer is gross, it tastes like piss. i stopped drinking it about 7 years ago and just now started drinking corona, but no other beer

Are you very young? I remember I used to feel the same way! Beer is an acquired taste. The more you drink it, the more you like it. That being said, if you are tasting crappy beer (i.e. natural light or even miller light) you may never like the taste of it. Try some imports or higher end domestics such as Bass, Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold, some of the Christmas brews when they are in season and for a lighter taste Blue Moon, this is just to name a few. Hope you find your beer of choice soon!

have u tryed it chilled it may taste better

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