My 3 month old Pit Bull has...........?!


My 3 month old Pit Bull has...........?

These rough feeling red spots on his chest (underside)and around his neck. I was pressing on it this morning to see if whatever it is hurts, and it did not seem to bother him. He just laid there looking at me. He is originally tan on his outer body, and white on his chest (underside)and paws. What do you think it could be?

It could either be a heat rash, an allergy or fleas. Have you bathed him recently? He could have an allergy to the shampoo or dip you used on him. If it is hot where you live he may be suffering from a heat rash. Your best bet is to phone your local vet and ask for advice. Hope he gets better soon, good luck.

I have 7 dogs

sounds like a rash, do you use a harness him? my brothers lil rat terrier would get them effects from his harness, he quit havin the lil guy wear it fulltime, and only to be tied out or for walks and it cleared up in no time.

If you can afford it, I'd take him to the vet. I also had a red nose pit. My dog had a mark that started out as a red bump , grew to be a large bump that didnt' seem to bother her but eneded up being a malignant mast cell tumor that had to be removed. A mast cell tumor is basically a cancerous tumor. You're dog is super young so i wouldn't think that it could be, but really your vet would know.

I have heard alot of this but I personally never had a dog with this. The one main cause I've heard is bacterial infection. The groomer or a vet could look at it and tell you. If it is Bacterial your dog will begin to loose his hair. If you can't afford a vet bill right now I would suggest calling your groomer to see if they will look at him. Most will for no charge if they don't treat him.

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