How do you cork a watermelon?!
How do you cork a watermelon?
The last time I tried I cut a hole in one end and tried to pour the alcohol in, but it didnt soak in. I could only pour in a very small amount. Any tips on how to get the whole 5th in?
Here's a secret for ya :: Hand Blender!
First, cut out a plug to reseal the darned thing.
Then ream out a bunch with your handy dandy hand blender. Pour out a little to leave room for the liquor, then replug and refrigerate, and please save some for me!
It may take a while but you can use a syringe to inject the watermelon. Use a big syringe, like the ones used for injecting cajun spices into a turkey or chicken.
I know you can buy them at Academy or maybe even Wal-Mart.
I've never just cut a hole in one end, what I have done for years is lay the melon on it's side and cut a "cap"(this way you can place it back on the melon to keep fly and bugs out.) Then I scooped some of the insides out to create a pocket for the liquor to go and put it back in the fridge over night. So of the liq. will soak in but not all. Watermelons already have a high water content. Some say to cut it and then drain as much juice out as possible but I think this takes away from the flavor.
If your hell bent on just cutting a hole in one end then you need to take something long like a skewer and run it threw the opening so the alcohol will go all the threw. I hope this helps.
Make circle with your knife at an angel.Then take and use a large longer knife to slice around inside.That way it chunks up the melon and makes room for the fifth...Then just replace the piece you took out..