My daughter drinks two to three cups of chocolate milk a day.Is that too much?!


My daughter drinks two to three cups of chocolate milk a day.Is that too much?

No, she needs the nutrition and vitamins, just because it's chocolate, it's not bad. She's still getting the calcium she needs. Let her drink it because I'm actally starting to loose bone density I wish i drank more milk when I was younger.

No infact that is good milk contain calcium she will grow up with strong bones.But try to make her drink normal milk because choclate milk contain sugar to many leads to cavities.

No, The calcium is good for her, even though it is chocolate she is still getting the calcium.

That's sort of like getting kid's to eat raw veggies, I give them some ranch dressing to dip it in. The Ranch isn't very healthy but at least they are getting the nutrition from the veggies.

Sometimes just have to take the good w/ the bad.

No it's not too much.
She's getting the calcium she needs.Chocolate milk is good for her.

sounds like a lot,

But i know kids, and it would be easier for Steve Wonder to find Waldo, then it would to keep a kid from what they love. But if they are going to drink it, they might as well drink something thats good for them.

Try Chocolate Soy Milk, I love drinking it and its alot better for you, adding protien and cutting some fat.

Also look at the chocolate that is being used, As Corny as it sounds, Ovaltine mix, it has loads of Vit C and Vit A and it has a good bit a calicum too.

yes. she have not so much calories.(40-45% calories.)

It's not too much milk, it probably is more sugar than she should have though. If she won't drink white milk, use a sugar free chocolate flavoring instead. Childhood obesity is a growing concern in this country and while she definitely needs the milk, us parents need to find ways of reducing sugar intake in our kids.

No it wont.

If it is the pre-mixed chocolate milk that you buy from the grocery, check the ingredients list. Most brands of chocolate milk add high fructose corn syrup, which is not good for any one.

It's good that she's getting the milk she needs, but some people would be concerned about the sugar from the chocolate. We never got chocolate milk much as kids, and I don't feel my daughter needs much of it either. She drinks regular milk just fine, so I usually allow her one cup of chocolate milk if she asks for it. Your daughter drinking that much I think is not such a big deal, especially if that's the only way she will drink it. Just cut back on other junk foods if she prefers the chocolate milk that often.

no its not.its better than kool-ade or sodas

the sugar in it will be not be good.

but just in case check the amount of calories per glass, as long as she is not over eating, she's ok!
milk is rich in calcium needed for kids development and generally chocolate milk has minerals and vitamins supplements that are great for kids.
Chocolate milk is hundred times better than junk food!!

No way chocolate milk has tons of vitamins and is loaded with calcium which as you know helps build strong bones and teeth to help prevent cavities. My cousin drinks 4, 5, or sometimes 6 cups of chocolate milk a day and hasn't had a cavity or broken bone in her life and she is very active. Also when I was little until I was about 10 I drank milk all the time and one time I got run over with a Hummer 3 and I didn't have a problem with my leg it wasn't even fractured. So I hope this helps you realize that your daughter drinking that much milk isn't a bad thing.


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