What is your favorite recipe to cook with children?!


What is your favorite recipe to cook with children?

Just looking for some summer kitchen fun for the kids. The childrean are 5, 7, and 10 and we would like something new. Maybe someone out there has a family idea we haven't thought of yet and may enjoy. I know I could google, but I would prefer someone's tried and true, or what was fun for you. Thank you in advance.

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1 week ago
LOL...I promise, I would never cook the children, and only after having it pointed out do I realize how bad that sounded! Thanks for all the ideas so far. And trust me the children are safe!

1 week ago
LOL...I promise, I would never cook the children, and only after having it pointed out do I realize how bad that sounded! Thanks for all the ideas so far. And trust me the children are safe!

The ice cream thing is a great idea, but instead of the baggie method, find a hand cranked ice cream maker.. Its so fun and a lot of work, each child gets to take turns cranking the ice cream but the rewards are great.
There are a lot of home made ice cream recipes, I prefer Ice milk over ice cream on a hot summer day.

You can make individual pies, with the fresh fruits available.

Make GORP... good ole raisins and peanuts.. let them make there own combo.. raisins, m&m's nuts, coconut shreds, dried fruit.. what ever you have... you can also do it for a cereal Chex Mix or trail mix and then goon a nature hike
afterwards to eat your snack.

Homemade lemon aid.. squeeze your own limes and lemons.

I saw a puupy chow qustion on here.. thats always fun t make or even no bake oatmeal cokies the (refrigderato kind)

Hve a cook out in the BBQ' let the bigger one roast the hot dogs, and the smaller ones make the drinks and set the table then have a marshmallow roast with the left over coals.

I wish my kids were young still, we had so much fun during summer break. I always hated to see school start again.
Have fun, and wish I could join you.

individual pizzas on english muffins
homemade ice cream in a ziploc bag for each child

moon pies :o)

They were fun and different and the kids helped me build them together.

Well fruit will be the best answer for me. I love fruit. Its like candy that doesnt give you cavitis:)

0 What is your favorite recipe to cook with children?

Egad! Please don't eat your children.

You could make some porridge, pudding or some sweet dishes, coz children love sweet dishes!

Back when we were kids, we experimented with wraps (like the tortilla shell ones and then stuff with whatever), cereal bars (like crispix bars or special K bars), fudge-cicles (however its spelt) with different puddings, crushed ice with various drink mixes, fruit cocktail with jell-o... the possibilities are endless.

Hard to beat mini-bagel pizzas though.

try baking a cake with different kinds of things on it or making cupcakes.

fruit salad

Chocolate chip cookies with raisins in them. Yummmm! They go great with children, especially if you live in a gingerbread house.

My son is only 5 but here are the things we do together and he loves
baking cookies, cakes, rice kripies treats,
we set up a ice cream bar and make our own sundies for movie nights
individual pizza with all topping
And he loves to roll meatballs, and make strobomboli bread. ANything he can get dirty and roll and eat.
We also do individual nacho plates with all the fixens and he loves that.

You want to cook with children? Do you live in a Gingerbread house?

Homemade Ice cream! Preferably with a hand cranked freezer. Have the kids take turns turning the crank. It gives them a wonderful insight into just how much work is involved in getting food. (Hint, buy a hand cranked freezer with an auxillary motor - the kids WILL bail on you about half way thru!)

Rice krispie treats are fun to make, but can be messy. Also Guacamole is fun because you get squish the avacados to make it. If they are girls cookies, browines, trying making a cake and decorating it with colored frosting spirinkles, etc...

pigs in a blanket....

Cheese hot dogs
crescent rolls that you need to bake. by the already made cookie dough section.
Have the kids roll the hot dogs in the the crescent roll dough and bake until golden brown. Yummy!!!

If the kids don't like cheese use regular hot dogs.

Make different kinds of salads.
5 year old can make a oriental chicken salad - use coleslaw mix, cut up chicken, crushed "top ramen", sesame seeds, oriental dressing. If you like you could add more veggies, pea pods, water chestnuts, whatever the kids like.
7 year old can make a jello salad - jello mix, cool whip, crushed pineapple, marshmallows. YUMMY
10 year old - Pasta salad, anyway she/he likes
Serve with garlic cheese bread

I like to do some tuxedo dipped strawberries. They are easy, nothing hot or sharp, and they look incredible! Also, Martha Stewart has some pretty good ideas, you could check her out.
Dipping fruit and the drizzling white chocoltae over it is fun and safe. Also, tasty. :)

my kids are 5 and 2 and love making this.

1 (14.5 ounce) package sweetened honey corn and oat cereal
1 (10 ounce) package bear-shaped graham cookies
1 (10.5 ounce) package miniature marshmallows
1 (12 ounce) package semisweet chocolate chips

Combine all ingredients in a large bag and shake to mix. Divide and store in individual baggies for a fast treat.

I love doing stuff like this with my mom!! Here are some recipes we've tried:

cheese fondue

My son is 10 and he is always wanting to help me in the kitchen, so during the summer he is in charge of the snack food to tide over until supper time. We fix celery with peanut butter and rasins on top. I slice the celery stixs in 3-4 inc. slices and lay them out on a platter for him. He takes the peanut butter and spreads it in the center of the celery. Then we take the rasins and load them up on top. You could probably substiture the rasins.

Simply bake a boxed cake with your kids, let one of them crack the eggs (or let them each crack an egg), let one of them pour the water, one pour the oil, give them all a chance at holding the electric mixer. Let them help ice the cake after it is baked. I always did this with my kids and now I enjoy this with my grandchildren. Something else they like to do is meatballs, cracking the eggs, mixing all the other ingredients and making the meatballs and baking them is fun for them too.

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