What is the most challenging form of cooking, or cuisine to prepare?!
i used to be a sushi chef (long story but i had to quit), now im a prep chef at a crepe resturant trying to work my way into the line and i want to go to school for cooking.
now if i followed my tongue, i would go with italian, but it seems too simple... i can make pasta at home.
or i could go back to sushi but i am definetley not doing that because i just dont care for sushi anymore
or i could go for french, my dad was a french chef (a very good one) but ive never dined at a french resturant before and know little about the cuisine
or i could go for Indian, i like indian.. and it seems very difficult.. but i dont know very much about it either
or i could go for pastry... i love pastry and i heard it was very difficult but im not sure that is true
what do you think is the most challenging cuisine or style of cooking? that requires the most discipline, skill, and perfection???? and palet
I think French is the most challenging, and here is why: French cooking has precise measurements, the meat has to be cut a certain way, and things have to cook for a specific time. There really isn't a huge creativity outlet in French cooking(from my point of view), but the food that is prepared is really delicious, and normally has some history behind it(which I love). Other cuisine types are more fluid I think, like Chinese or Indian, where you have guidelines, but everything is open to interpretation. I guess that means they can be challenging too, but in a different way- They challenge your creativity and love for food.
As long as you are enjoying what you are doing I say go for it :)
I would say it would be Japanese, with French as second.
For starters I would try working in a place (USA) like Dennys, IHOP or Waffle House. Where you have to make any number of very different dishes. Where timing is so very important and quick memory is so essential. I have done restaurant work and these short order cooks amaze me. A good one and there are not many will always have a job. After that I would probably go for the French. Where you must be able to do well everything. I was very good at making special sauces, but I frankly was a failure deboning correctly and quickly a chicken or other fowl. Just remember the famous chefs have been at this for years and they are still learning. Those high salaries do not come easy..