How much money can a Barback make?!
How much money can a Barback make?
Im thinkin' about getting into bartending and have heard you must start out as a barback to gain some experience, so i was wondering if anybody could tell me how much money a barback actually makes...since i do have bills to!
Realistically, you will not make that much as a starting barback. Your best bet is to start barbacking at a fancy restaurant and work your way up to a bartender there. Once you have some decent skills and quickness, you can get a job bartending in a sweet club or nice bar - that is where the money is.
Was a barback once, and now a bartender.
you can make a couple/few hundred a night!
Make sure it's a busy bar and you can make a coulple hundred bucks. You will be expected to work very hard and might not be given much respect.
Fairly good money, but a LOT of work. Worth it if you're trying to get on as a bartender though. Best way to get a foot in the door!