What is saffron? Where can I purchase it?!

Question: What is saffron? Where can I purchase it?
I have a recipe that calls for it in a lemon sauce. Not sure about the flavor. Thanks


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Saffron is the stigma of the saffron crocus flower. The best saffron comes from Iran, and can be extremely expensive depending on the quality. Ounce for ounce, saffron can be more expensive than gold.

Most supermarkets have little transparent boxes of saffron, often only available at the checkout counter, and is usually the cheaper Spanish saffron. Iranian saffron might be available in gourmet or specialized stores. The Spanish one is not as fragrant as the Iranian one, but is quite adequate. I have both.

The taste : I would not call the taste metallic, but it is a very distinctive flavour, and is kind of earthy. I use it to make saffron rice, and in puddings with milk in it.

personal experience

Saffron is one of the costliest spices. It is available in grocery stores, in small plastic boxes, pack of few grams.
It's the stigma of a flower, so what you get is few thin strands of about 2 inches long and dark orange in colour.

It is used in very small quantity in Western Asian Food, both as flavouring and natural colouring agent.
Usually few strands are soaked in little milk or lukewarm water and then applied in the specific food.
A whole strand of Saffron can be applied on top of some deserts as well.

am from India and we use Safron in our food.

saffron not only adds color to food, but it also adds a metalic flavor. be careful not to use too much,as it is not only expensive, but also harmful. it is very good with rice. this is the way we use it in iran. the best saffron in the world is from meshed iran.

experiece from living in iran for 40 years

most supermarkets and grocery stores carry it in their spice isles

its a spice that comes from the flower of a crocus.
it has a slightly bitter taste, but honestly you use so little, you will likely not taste it... its used in most recipes for the color it adds.

be warned, its more expensive than gold (per ounce)
near me, i can get a bottle at my local supermarket for $9.99, thats only 0.01 ounces... that makes it $999 an ounce


Saffron herbal amazing, beautiful and fragrant, and these traits has caused attention to attract the oldest and ancient history and old relic from his leave.

That is the most expensive spice


Saffron is a spice which is made from the dried stigma of Crocus flowers (Crocus sativa)
as to where to buy it I can not answer that as I live in Africa, not where you do

What are u goin 2 do with it if u don't know what it is ??

You get it at any provision store.

Google it.

thin leaves of orange color..you can get it at shops

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