Why is it the vegetarians think they have the right to question meat eaters?!


Why is it the vegetarians think they have the right to question meat eaters?

but get angry at you when you say something about vegetarians

Why would you generalize and stereotype people?

I don't mind when someone asks me a serious question about it,but it is annoying when people say "God put animals for us to eat" or "We are omnivores and have to eat meat" or 'real men eat meat" etc.I've never even told anyone to stop eating meat,but I get comments like the one above all of the time.If someone ask me if I think it is wrong to eat meat,then I say yes,because that is what I believe,but I don't go around calling people murderers like you make it sound like all vegetarians do.

To answer your question:

Q. If you want to be vegetarian, that’s fine. But, don’t tell me what to do.

A. Imagine saying to someone, “If you don’t want to beat your dog, that’s fine. But, don’t tell me not to beat mine.” While we are entitled to believe what we like, we are not entitled to treat others―especially those weaker than us―however we like. If we are responsible for harming others, people have every right to ask that we stop.


edit:See,most of these people who answered are stereotyping just like you are,I doubt most of these people have met any vegans or vegetarians,they make it sound like they've met 100's or 1000's.

Conscientious vegan

There is nothing like a convert for zealous ... whether from meat to vegetarian, or from one religion to another.

Because for them it's a philosophy of life, bordering, sometimes living in the land of religiosity.

For the rest of us it's just great eating!

They have a strong belief in their vegetarian lifestyle. Unfortunatley many believe they are right and everyone else is wrong.

PETA folks believe they are right and everyone else is wrong. They are in bed together.

They should respect others rights and beliefs. If not then others will not take them seriously.

people will be people
that's the way it is

they get angry because it is not right for lowly meat eaters or omnivores to question the high and mighty (figuratively of course - weak from malnutrition) vegetereeens.

they don't care about other people's opinions and won't listen to what anyone else has to say.

"We're right, and everyone else is wrong!"

Then, when their own tactic gets thrown back in their face, they go into conniptions. "How could those cruel people do this to us?" It's sickening, but it's how their minds work.

most pure vegetarians are starving. I am a semi vegie person and love the taste of a good steak. I just don't eat it daily. Enjoy your protien it is good for growth and milk is good for the bones of growing women. don't feel guilty for eating good food that is healthy. The only thing I insist on is add vegies with the meat and you will be healthy and strong.

when i was a vegetarian, meat eaters were always asking me why i didn't eat meat. i hated it. so it does go both ways. i ended up starting to eat meat again because of my anemia. (in case you were wondering, and i became a vegetarian because i didn't like to eat animal fat)

Please don't stereotype us. I know pelnty of veggies who do not act like that.
As long as someone poses an intelligent question about our lifestyle, we are more than willing to share our beliefs, ideas and convictions. When someone is snide and pompously pokes fun at something that is very meaningful, that's when we get angry.
I personally don't question meat eaters. They can eat it all they want just as I choose not to eat it. It's personal preference.

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