What are all of the categories of vegetarianism?!


What are all of the categories of vegetarianism?

Like I know what vegans are and fruitarians, but what are those ovo- and pecto- prefixes? Does that mean you DO eat fish and eggs or you DON'T? Can someone explain this to me? Does anyone also have like a complete list of all the categories?

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1 week ago
Wait a minute, my vegitarian friends eat fish all the time and we always go out for sushi, so not all vegitarians avoid fish.

1 week ago
Wait a minute, my vegitarian friends eat fish all the time and we always go out for sushi, so not all vegitarians avoid fish.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism: no meat, yes dairy, eggs, honey
Lacto vegetarianism: no meat or eggs, yes dairy and honey
Ovo vegetarianism: no meat or dairy, yes eggs and honey
Veganism: no meat or eggs or dairy, honey maybe
* Fruitarianism is a diet of only fruit, nuts, seeds, and other plant matter that can be gathered without harming the plant.
* Macrobiotic diet is a diet of mostly whole grains and beans. Not all macrobiotics are vegetarians as some consume fish.
* Natural hygiene in its classic form recommends a diet principally of raw vegan foods.
* Raw veganism is a diet of fresh and uncooked fruit, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.
* Freeganism ― argues all commodities produced under capitalism, not only those from animal sources, contribute to exploitation and avoid buying anything, including food. Freegans thus focus on acquiring foods and other commodities by means other than purchasing, including foraging for wild plants and gardening with intent to cause as little violence and ecological destruction as possible through their consumption. While many freegans are vegans or vegetarians, others will eat animal products that would otherwise go to waste on the belief that doing this does not encourage further animal exploitation.
Some terms for non-vegetarian diets are neologisms derived from word "vegetarianism", used to describe a diet that accepts some subset of meat in addition to vegetarian diet:

* Pescetarianism ― A diet in which the only animals consumed are fish or other seafood.
* Pollotarianism ― A diet in which the only animals consumed are fowl.
* Flexitarianism ― A diet that consists primarily of vegetarian food, but that allows occasional exceptions.


There are vegetarians-they can eat eggs or dairy products....

And there are vegans-those who don't consume or use animal products.

That's really it,fruitarians are in a category of their own.Vegetarians do not eat ANY meat.

edit:The definition of a vegetarian is someone who does not eat any form of meat,and meat comes from an animal,and fish are animals.You can't be a "fish eating" vegetarian,that's any oxymoron.You are either pregnant or not,and you are either vegetarian(no meat) or not(omnivore).

ovo lacto means you DO eat eggs and dairy.

Lacto means you eat dairy, but no eggs.

Pesco is a make up category. Vegetarians do not eat ANY animal flesh at all - including fish, chicken, turkey, squid, etc.

Vegan means no dairy, no eggs, and no animal by-products. This usually includes honey, casein, carmine, and similar things.

Wikipedia has a list of the more obscure ones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/vegetarian...

"Wait a minute, my vegitarian friends eat fish all the time and we always go out for sushi, so not all vegitarians avoid fish"
Your friends aren't vegetarians. It's that easy. Vegetarian MEANS NO MEAT. Fish are meat. Why would you neg everyone for telling you this? You are wrong, yet you neg everyone for correcting you? Nice.

it means DO

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian ("vegetarian" for short) does NOT eat meat. DOES consume dairy (lacto) and eggs (ovo)

Ovo-Vegetarian: Does not consume meat. DOES consume eggs. The lack of "lacto" implies that they do NOT consume dairy

Lacto Vegetarian: Does not consume meat. DOES consume dairy products (lacto). The absense of "ovo" implies that they do NOT consume eggs.

Pescetarian: (Their rightful name. Should NEVER be called vegetarian). does not consume most meats, but DOES consume fish (pesce).

Ovo-lacto vegetarian: veggie who eats no red meat, poultry, or fish but eats eggs and dairy products.

Ovo vegetarian: veggie who eats no animal product but eggs.

Lacto vegetarian: veggie who eats no animal product but dairy products.

Pesco-pollo vegetarian: "veggie" who eats no red meat but will eat poultry and fish.

Pesco vegetarian: "veggie" who eats no red meat or fish but will eat poultry.

Pollo vegetarian: "veggie" who eats no red meat or poultry but will eat fish.

Vegan: vegetarian who eats no animal products and uses no animal products.

Just to let you know, the pesco-pollos, pescos, and pollos aren't really vegetarians--they just think they are.

MM, ya all vegetarians avoid fish. I can call myself a 6'2" tall man from Australia, but that doesn't make it true!!

There are two type of vegetarians..
vegans-no meat,fish,honey,animal products whatsoever
vegetarians-no meat.no fish-some drink milk and consume cheese and eggs-you can take away from this, however you cannot add to this.

Add all the subs you wish to add it really doesnt make a difference, if your friend eats fish thats obviously her choice and is still maintaining a much healthier diet. If she is doing it in regards to cruel treatment towards animals and feels its wrong to take another beings life than she might be interested to know that fish are included in that.

This site helped me - I had the same question!


WRONG. Your "vegetarian" friend is NOT a vegetarian if SHE EATS FISH.

People kill me, they really do.

if you eat chicken/fish and call yourself a vegetarian- you're a liar. It doesn't matter what pre-fix you add, vegetarians don't eat animals that were ever alive. This is why vegetarians eat eggs and dairy sometimes. Vegans eat NO animal products (truly, the process of acquiring eggs and milk can be horrendous). Lacto-ovo means you eat eggs and milk- but in my mind, that distinction isn't necessary becasue if you don't eat those then you're probably practicing being a vegan. If a person eats mostly vegetarian but occasinally chicken or fish....they are an omnivore.

Your friend is NOT a vegetarian. She/he is a pecsatarian(one who only eats fish, and omits all other animals from their diet).Another name for it is pescovegetarian.
Lacto vegetarian includes dairy products(milk,cheese) in their diet.
Ovo vegetarian includes eggs in their diet.
Lacto-ovo includes both.

No vegetarian eats fish or any other animal. The pesce and pollo prefixes are just false information...an oxymoron.

A lacto vegetarian includes dairy
An ovo vegetarian includes egg
A laco-ovo includes both
A vegan abstains from ALL animal products

All REAL vegetarians avoid fish..your friend is using a false label.
I refuse to use the term pescetarian because it is no way in no form any type of vegetarian and it should not be used in this forum. If you eat flesh, you are an omnivore..plain and simple.

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