Witch Country As a Healthier Cuisine?!
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Out of the above I would say Italy because of all the tomatoes and olive oil in their diet. I believe Japan has the healthiest diet in the world as it traditionally consists of rice, fish, soup and vegetables.
Japan Australia Blog
I think Italy has much healthier food than Ireland. I have never been to Ireland, I 've just been to Italy, but there is a rule that could be true:
In the countries of the Northern and Central Europe people use animal fats for cooking (such as milk butter or pork fat). Olives are not cultivated in this countries.
In the countries around the Mediterranean Sea people use olive oil for cooking. There are many olives cultivated in these countries and it's easy to buy olive oil in quantities.
As long as olive oil is healthier than animal fats, Italy has a healthier cuisine than Ireland.
I have been to Ireland and it CAN'T be Ireland. They eat a lot of potatoes (surprise!) and other starchy food. They deep fry a lot of meat and serve BLT's all over the place. Of course, Italy has very starchy food as well such as noodles. However, the frying of food in Ireland has to give it a significant edge.
Honestly though, Irish and Italian people are very similar in some respects, and if you visit them they will make you eat a LOT of their food. And in Ireland, just like Italy, there will be steamed vegetables and some fruit to choose from. It's the fried food (fish and chips is popular in Ireland) that you will find in restaurants and pubs that makes Italian cuisine healthier.
I would say Italy because the countries around the Mediterranean emphasize a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as seafood.
Many sources say that Japan has the healthiest diet. All healthy diets emphasize plant foods over meat and stress portion control.
Hands down, Italy.