


is like no meat, fish, dairy and...? how can that be healthy? dont you need those foods? what are the foods you can eat if yuor vegan? thanks!

I am not a vegan, but to be honest, you really need protein. Man is a meat eating animal and meat is a big part of it. Not to say you should pig out on beef, but eat healthy meats, I am a health nut, and my diet is big on chicken and fish, occasionally turkey, and sometimes I have beef. I also work out and exercise, and I know that if you do this and don't eat enough protein, your muscles will literally eat themselves. That is one reason most vegans are thin.

On the other side, if you are determined, there are some foods eaten in combination that do provide a good, complete protein. Brown rice and beans is one. If you eat eggs, cheese and milk, these are also very good foods to get the protein you need, and other foods to consider are soy products, legumes (beans), lentils, nuts, seeds and whole grains. You also need to watch your calcium, and getting a supplement might be a good idea, but there is also calcium in dark green vegetables, and broccoli, as well as tofu enriched with calcium, and don't forget soy milk and fortified fruit juices.

Vitamin B-12 is also essential to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia, and this is found almost exclusively in animal foods including milk eggs and cheese. You can get this through vitamins and enriched foods as cereals too.

make sure you enjoy a wide variety of foods to get all the nutrition possible. Hope this helps.

You can get your protein and calcium from vegetables, beans, tofu etc. A daily vitamin supplement would probably be a good idea too. Don't try to become a vegan unless you really know what you are doing.

the same protien that is found in meat is in vegetables meat is just an easier to digest form eat beans nuts etc. i take vitamin suplements with every meal b12 omegas fatty acids etc

Humans are actually the only animal that drink milk after the age of 2. You're ingesting something from an animal (like a cow or pig) that is meant for their offspring, and contains their hormones, etc. It's kinda gross if you think about it.

You can also get protein from many other places besides meat. Tofu of course, beans, and I also make fruit smoothies with protein powder (I'm not totally vegan - I don't eat dairy and most meat, just limited seafood like shrimp and scallops). I also don't wear anything from an animal and all that too. The video below does a better just of explaining it.

Every single fruit and vegetable in the world, along with grains and pulses. You can everything you need from them if you need the right amounts blah blah blah. Do you only ever eat meat and dairy?

Here is a web link that might stimulate your brain...

Not everyone realizes that being Vegan is different from being a Vegetarian... Vegans adopt a way of life that rejects ANY animal by-product. Some vegans even refuse to eat honey or buy leather, fur, etc. You can be vegan and healthy, but it takes a lot of work.

Most of the chronic diseases people suffer with today are caused by diets that consist of mostly meat, fish, dairy and junk foods. You can get all the nutrients your body needs without using animals as the source. The body does not care one bit where the nutrients come from, so why not get those nutrients from non-animal sources.

The recommendations are to get at the very least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, and most sources are encouraging 7 servings as the minimum for good health. We also should be cutting back on fat consumption - and the fats found in animals are largely the kinds of fat we should avoid.

Eliminating meat from our diet makes room for more healthy foods, prevents chronic disease, reduces our risk for food borne illnesses, is beneficial to the environment, and improves animal welfare. In short, no downsize at all. It only makes sense.

Veganism is more than just a diet. It's a lifestyle. Vegans abstain from flesh foods, dairy, eggs, and honey, and they make it a point to avoid using animal-based or animal-tested products as much as possible. (That means that they also don't wear animal fibers like leather and wool.) They do this, because they strive to be as humane as possible towards ALL living, sentient beings. Not only that, but studies have shown that vegan diets can be much healthier than the typical meat-based diets. Vegans are less likely to suffer from heart disease, strokes, cancer, or diabetes. Also, studies have shown that vegan women are less likely to develop osteoporosis than non-vegan women. They also don't have any trouble getting protein, since protein is found in many different plant-based foods. In fact, meat eaters often get TOO MUCH protein, and this leads to problems like kidney stones and osteoporosis. People often say that milk "does a body good", but in reality, it has so much protein that it often blocks the absorption of calcium. The only major health concern for vegans is their ability to get vitamin B12. It's usually found in animal foods, because it's produced by a bacteria, which is consumed by the animals when they eat unwashed plants. However, there are good vegan B12 supplements out there, so that's no problem.

The spiders that crawl into your mouth at night.

Hello Breanna, I see most of the answers you got here are just wonderful, but I'll add mine anyway. Vegans don't need any protein powders, tablets, etc. for "boosting energy", In fact, go easy on protein as it may interfere with your good health! See this: .

Then, if you need more info please email me. :o)

(1) FOOD: If you eat the proper foods that nature created for the vegetarian animals of which humans are a part, you'll rarely suffer from anything. Humans, and most nonhuman animals, need 3 food categories: raw fresh veggies (salads including dark leafy green veggies on season), raw fresh fruits (of all colors and shapes on season), and protein, that you can accompany with steamed dark leafy green and other veggies (which you'll find in all types of whole grains, dry beans, peas, seeds, nuts, tofu, tempeh, TVP, seitan (gluten), etc. and the innumerable "meat analogs" sold in health food stores. You can prepare them in any way you like with olive oil and Bragg's Liquid Aminos for seasoning (better than soy sauce), plus all those great herbs known for millennia by all cooks! :o) Leave off sugar, or too much salt, leave off fast foods, especially animal products like milk, eggs, honey, etc. and make sure they aren't hidden in prepared foods. For beverage, NOTHING is better than...WATER...cold, fresh and crystalline! :o) BUT, here are two more important ingredients to your "diet":

(2) EXCERCISE!: Try to exercise daily if you are under 50, and about 3 or 4 times a week if you are over 50 with doctor's advice. If you do it at a gym WITH a class, you'll be more loyal to your exercise, otherwise swimming and other rythmic and CONTINUOUS movements, including brisk walking is fine.

(3) MIND: Must avoid aggravation, especially the unnecessary one! Must learn to choose unstressful or low stressful situations because the mind is the most abused or at least neglected "organ"! Must develop compassion for others, including nonhuman animals.

The above life path is what we, vegans, have taken and the greatest majority of us rarely have to see doctors, hospitals, etc. don't know what's a headache, stomach pain, etc. It's worth to take this different life path for the sake of your total health - body and mind.

Enjoy and pass around. ;o) Adela
In the next 10 to 15 years, one of the things you’re bound to hear is that animal protein is one of the most toxic nutrients of all that can be considered. Dr. T. Colin Campbell (Nutritional Biochemist, Cornell University)
I want death to find me planting my cabbages. Michel Eyquem DeMontaigne (1533-92)
Flesh food causes impotence because it blocks the arteries to all vital organs, including the penis. Dr. Dean Ornish, Medical Advisor to Bill Clinton

and ANY animal ingredients of any kind..

the following websites list all the animal ingredients. second website also tells you which are vegan as well...

and also veganism is very healthy, it's good for your health and the environment. meat eaters get heart disease and most likely to have high cholesterol. vegans don't have these problems and they lead a longer healthy life than meat eaters do.

Before I knew, that is what I would have thought/said, I was CORRUPTED due to the "faulty upbringing"... it is NOT RIGHT to be RAPING and MURDERING, plainly stated that is the TRUTH.

AS far as nutrition BEANS NUTS and SEEDS provide wonderfully healthy amounts of what I guess is called PROTEIN, I mean all the wonderful PLANTS we have : the diverse arrays of colors provide for so much nutritious diversity...

That person saying that you should not go vegan unless you KNOW about something or other, well that is FLAWED LOGIC and FLAWED "compassion sense" on behalf of that individual... you should NOT be causing HARM to other creatures. If there are NO PLANTS or other ETHICAL STUFF(synthetics etc) that DOES/would not give you or I the right to RAPE or MURDER other creatures.

RAPING and MURDERING creatures is the WORSt thing I personally did in this life, it was horrible.

I pray for greater understanding.

I am vegan & have been for 7 years. After a very healthy pregnancy I just had a beautiful big healthy baby girl and as long as she is having breast milk there is no reason to consider offering her another animals milk. We are the only animals that consume milk as adults and because it is another animals milk most human adults have some intolerances/allergies to dairy.

There is also a lot of cruelty and killing within the dairy industry not to mention damage to the environment.

To get on with what we eat as vegans:
almost any dish can be made vegan if you have a creative chef!

It is important with any diet, vegan or other, to eat a healthy diet that inludes a variety of whole grains, fruit and vegetables, beans and legumes, and I strongly believe organic is best.

I don't feel the need for supplements except for b12 which you can get in fortified soy milk.

Do some reading and a vegan lifestyle really makes sense and is not that hard but feels great!!

i've been thriving on a vegan diet for 10+ years. i never get sick.

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