Will i gain weight from this?!


Will i gain weight from this?

today i have had a bowl of kashi cereal w/ skim milk, 2 apples, some strawberries, a pear, mooore dry kashi, & then a ton more of life & honey bunches of oats cereal dry. Also, water. i feel bad about all of the cereal.. it was a lot.

i have been craving a lot of carbs & crap lately.. i don't know why?
but, do you think from eating a lot of cereal lately, and fruits/snack things.. i will gain weight?

I lost 38 pounds once with a diet of mainly cereal, bread and milk.

Every person is different, but it sounds like you cannot trust your appetite to determine proper portion sizes. You should weigh and measure your food as indicated by the food plan you choose. Don't go by what is right for other people--go by what is right for you.

If you have a problem with carbs, you may want to look at the Kay Sheppard plan. It's pretty radical, but a lot of people swear it stops the overwhelming feeling of craving they get from eating sugar, flour or wheat. People who don't get carb cravings don't understand how powerful they are. It is not always as simple as just counting calories.

Don't be discouraged. It may take a bit of experimenting to find the right food plan for your genetics and lifestyle.

Your fine i ate alot more than you and im not going to gain weight =]

That isn't too bad at all.. but you're right, you should cut back from the cereal, even if it is healthy cereal... eat cereal for just one meal if you must, and try finding other things to replace it with.. fruits always keep you on the right track so don't stop eating them =]

No it's Healthy and don't feel bad

Yes, you will gain weight, IF you don't burn it off. Carbs are used by the body to power it, as adding coal to a fire. Protein is used to build muscle. If you do not burn the carbs off, it will get stored as fat. Sounds like you have eaten more than I do in a day, carb wise. Was this for breakfast only? Don't forget, fruit, and the honey bunches contain a lot of sugar. The skim milk is good, as is the Kashi, but stick with a few strawberries and maybe 1/2 a pear. Save the other half for the evening. Sprinkle a bit of lemon juice on the other half to prevent browning, as the acid in the pear will oxidize with contact to air, as the apple does too.

If you want to monitor your weight you should monitor your caloric intake.

An active adult can eat upwards of 2500 or so calories a day and have a stable weight.

A Calorie is a measure of energy and you need to make sure you burn more calories than you eat and you will lose weight.

As far as cereals and fruits go, these are a very good source of energy because the body is able to easily metabolize these carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a "ready" energy source as compared to fats which is excess energy processed by the body to be metabolized and used when it is needed.

As long as you try to get some exercise everyday I wouldn't worry about eating carbs.

I don't think you'll gain weight. I'm like that with bread and pasta and I haven't gained weight. Cereal is probably one of the healthiest things you can eat...fiber, vitamins, etc. I bet you don't have a problem with regularity though lol.

most definitley! you have no self discipline or self control. you need to occupy yourself with all the boredom that you have. boredom is why your craving. if your out and about doing stuff, your not gonna crave food

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