What are some good sources of protein for a vegan?!


What are some good sources of protein for a vegan?

Don't say supplements. I refuse to take those.

Protein in the Vegan Diet
by Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D

It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein, as long as calorie intake is adequte. Strict protein combining is not necessary; it is more important to eat a varied diet throughout the day.

The Rest;


peanut butter is for suree

All soy products, nuts, and legumes are good sources of protein. There are lots of delicious soy-based meat substitutes out there. Also, Silk soy milk and soy yogurt are yummy. Not only that, but there are also some soy ice creams that are awesome. The possibilities are endless. If you're a vegan, it's really not hard to get your protein, because it's in so many things!

Tofu, meat alternatives (make sure they don't have egg products
in them), bean & rice, nuts, complementary proteins lentils & quinoa, legumes and grains basically,

Soy is probably one of the best, but you have to be careful and read labels to make sure there is no egg or dairy products. Combining two incomplete proteins is also a good idea. Having grains and beans together is a good idea because these are complimentary proteins. Check out this website for more ideas.

Peanut butter, Black Beans, Tofo, Semen, Edamame, and Soy milk

I am, vegan.. cool!!!
I eat alot of tofu, and drink alot of soy milk...If you like nuts you should eat alot of nuts

Hello susie, I had prepared this answer for oceanlady but was interrupted and on returning here... couldn't find her! I'm sure this could apply to you and probably to anyone who has questions about veganism: :o) Here it goes:

Vegans don't need any protein powders, tablets, and usually even vitamins! In fact, go easy on protein as it may interfere with your good health! See this: http://michaelbluejay.com/veg/protein.ht... . :o)

(1) FOOD: If you eat the proper foods that nature created for the vegetarian animals of which humans are a part, you'll rarely suffer from anything. Humans, and most nonhuman animals, need 3 food categories: raw fresh veggies (salads including dark leafy green veggies on season), raw fresh fruits (of all colors and shapes on season), and protein, that you can accompany with steamed dark leafy green and other veggies (which you'll find in all types of whole grains, dry beans, peas, seeds, nuts, tofu, tempeh, TVP, seitan (gluten), etc. and the innumerable "meat analogs" sold in health food stores. You can prepare them in any way you like with olive oil and Bragg's Liquid Aminos for seasoning (better than soy sauce), plus all those great herbs known for millennia by all cooks! :o) Leave off sugar, or too much salt, leave off fast foods, especially animal products like milk, eggs, honey, etc. and make sure they aren't hidden in prepared foods. BUT, here are two more important ingredients to your "diet":

(2) EXCERCISE!: Try to exercise daily if you are under 50, and about 3 or 4 times a week if you are over 50 with doctor's advice. If you do it at a gym WITH a class, you'll be more loyal to your exercise, otherwise swimming and other rythmic and CONTINUOUS movements, including brisk walking is fine.

(3) MIND: Must avoid aggravation, especially the unnecessary one! Must learn to choose unstressful or low stressful situations because the mind is the most abused or at least neglected "organ"! Must develop compassion for others, including nonhuman animals.

The above life path is what we, vegans, have taken and the greatest majority of us rarely have to see doctors, hospitals, etc. don't know what's a headache, stomach pain, etc. It's worth to take this different life path for the sake of your total health - body and mind.

Enjoy and pass around. ;o) Adela
In the next 10 to 15 years, one of the things you’re bound to hear is that animal protein is one of the most toxic nutrients of all that can be considered. Dr. T. Colin Campbell (Nutritional Biochemist, Cornell University)
I want death to find me planting my cabbages. Michel Eyquem DeMontaigne (1533-92)
Flesh food causes impotence because it blocks the arteries to all vital organs, including the penis. Dr. Dean Ornish, Medical Advisor to Bill Clinton

the one thing that I absolutely love that I haven't seen listed yet is chick peas (also known as garbanzo beans) they're amazing and can be cooked so many different ways! try some hummus! :) other legumes are great as well. Soy is good, but don't eat too much, it can mess with your hormones if you base your diet entirely off of it.

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