what do u of shushi??!

Question: What do u of shushi??
what do u think of it and whats it taste like????


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Its really good, and it doesn't taste fishy at all. I'd try it, its the best way to know how it tastes. Lots of Chinese Buffets have a small selection that you can try a piece or two, if its not bad, then go for a real sushi restaurant. You will probably love it if you give it a chance!

I love sushi and its one of my favourite Japanese dishes. Fresh sushi or sashimi should have a clean, delicate, light taste and should have no fishy smell.

I recommend starting with something easy like makizushi and then working up to things like maguro (tuna), shake (salmon) and ebi (shrimp). I enjoy my sushi with a little wasabi and soy sauce and like to have some pickled ginger to cleanse the palate after each sushi.

Japan Australia Blog

Sushi, is in my opinion very tasty. For a beginner I would reccomend a california roll ( cooked Crab, Rice, cucumber and avocado) or a cucumber roll. If you enjoy spicy foods, then try a spicy tuna roll (tuna (raw) in a spicy sauce in a sushi roll) Some places even sell fried sushi rolls! Go for it!

Personal Experience

it is the bestest food in the entire world that has ever been invented! I don't like very spicy types I just stick with the normal California Roll sushi. It basically has crabmeat, avacado..(avacado is the best part in my opinion), seaweed and rice around it. You should try it! It sounds kindof weird but when you have it, you won't be able to stop! It is healthy too which is a plus! You should have it if you already didn't! I am a picky eater and I still LOVEE it so if you are on the edge about trying it...TRY IT! I hope this helped:):) hee hee

ITS AMAZINGGGGGGG! I would eat it 3 times a day if i could! My favorite. TRY THE EEL! It sounds gross, but it tastes more like chicken then fish! So yummy :)

been eating it since birth.

ITS BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!

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