If your a vegetarian can you eat fish??!


If your a vegetarian can you eat fish??

Yes, but you would be a pescaterian, many "real" vegetarians have issues with this distinction. however, that's what I am. It is my personal opinion that it is better to consider yourself a vegetarian who eats fish than to not be a vegetarian at all. I also believe it to be the healthiest diet. this is an opinion, not a fact, though it certainly is healthier than eating meat meat. Just don't try pulling the "a vegetable is smarter than a fish" joke, people react badly to it :) The best thing to do is to know your food, know where it came from and what it ate (was it farmed? were your veggies sprayed with chemical fertilizer?)
I guess it comes down to not "can you eat fish?" because obveously you CAN, but "do you CHOSE to eat fish?" because ultimately what you put into your body is your choice, and yours alone!

Nope. Vegetarians do not eat meat or fish.

Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming the flesh of any animal (including sea animals) with or without also eschewing other animal derivatives, such as dairy products or eggs. Some vegetarians choose to also refrain from wearing clothing that has involved the death of animals, such as leather, silk and fur. Veganism excludes all animal products from diet and attire, whether or not their production has involved the actual death of an animal (dairy, eggs, honey, wool, silk and down feathers). Vegetarians have varied motivations including religious, cultural, ethical, environmental, social, economic, and health concerns.

For lacto-ovo vegetarians, this generally means food that excludes ingredients derived directly from the death of animals, such as meat (including fish), meat broth, cheeses that use animal rennet, gelatin (from animal skin, bones, and connective tissue), and for the strictest, even some sugars that are whitened with bone char (e.g. cane sugar, but not beet sugar) and alcohol clarified with gelatin or crushed shellfish and sturgeon.

yes. you can eat seafood or not eat seafood. I have friends who do and friends who dont.

Fish is considered meat so no if you are a vegetarian you can NOT eat fish. You can get soy fish though. Won't taste the same but similar. I haven't had it though, but I've heard people comment on it.

Fruits, Vegetables, Rice, Noodles & Cerals...

no, u r still killing another animal.

Depends on what kind of vegetarian you are. I don't eat mammals because they're too similar to humans. Therefore, I enjoy fish and poultry on a daily basis. It's all about your choices. If you aren't eating animals because you think it's wrong... is it just the cute, fuzzy one's you're concerned with? If so, don't claim vegetarianism. Just make that lifestyle choice to not eat cute and fuzzies. People here might berate you for it, but really, it's your life. Do what you want.

A "vegetarian" who eats fish is called a pescaterian. It's a very healthy diet if you leave out the shellfish.

no becuz it is still something that was once livin and some1 killed it

duh! =~/

Vegetarians do not eat the dead flesh of ANY animal, fish included. You can eat anything you want, just don't label yourself a vegetarian if you're continuing to eat dead members of the animal kingdom.

if you are a vegi, you do not eat anything with a face


whats the diff. bet vegetarian and vegan?

no, ma'am.

Of course not...fish are animals and vegetarians do not eat animals.

???I think a fish still got a face...

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