Have I eaten too much today?!

Question: Have I eaten too much today?
I woke up, and took some acai berry pills, and forgot to make myself my normal breakfast protein shake, so I didn't eat anything.
At lunch I had an apple and a peice of lunch meat.
After school, I came home and had a few carrots and another apple.
At around 7:30 I had a protein shake.
Then just barely I was starving, and had some saltine crackers with pickles and cheese.

I feel like i've eaten too much...
I just feel fat all the time.
I'm 17, 5'4 and weigh 140. 3 weeks ago I weighed 170...I don't feel as though I look any different.
AH i need help.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

not good - regardless of calories, poor nutrition.

Apples = good, but one a day is fine
carrots = okay, again a few a day is good
Lunch meat = salt and probably fat
Saltines and pickles - hmmmmm, okay in very small doses
Cheese = okay in small quantities

Missing some items there, you know, chicken salad tuna/salmon salad would be good, other fruits would be good, nuts, celery, cuke, peppers, mushrooms with hummus, you get it.

No more saltines and lunch meat for a meal. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Still losing a few

I really like this question because I can relate.

I had a cup of soymilk and a vitamin for breakfast. Other than that I had a single serving of mashed potatoes for dinner earlier and a bowl of salad (one lettuce leaf, 4 cherry tomatoes, a slice of onion, and 10 calories of dressing) about an hour ago because I was starving. I feel like I ate too much because I indulged in a spoonful of vegan cheeze sauce on my mashed potatoes...

But the answer is no, neither of us ate too much. We should eat more.

You weigh 170 THREE weeks ago and you weigh 140 pounds now. That's 10 pounds per week! Dramatic changes like this aren't healthy! It is dangerous if you continue to loose weight at this rate. You need to get off the crash diet and slow down. Do not accelerate the rate of weight loss anymore. The number of pounds lost aren't as important as the percentage of of weight lost. A 270 pound person could handle loosing 30 pounds in 3 weeks a lot better than you do. Example:

10 pounds out of 170 pounds = 5.89% - 10 pounds out of 270 pounds = 3.70%
10 pounds out of 160 pounds = 6.25% - 10 pounds out of 260 pounds = 3.84%
10 pounds out of 150 pounds = 6.67% - 10 pounds out of 250 pounds = 4.00%

You could clearly see that the rate of weight loss is accelerating. Your actual rate of weight loss should more dramatic than these rough calculations. You could put your body in shock if you continue what you're doing. Besides, you sounded as if you were suffering from anorexia nervosa already. You really need to consult with a professional ASAP!

this might help you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTwdjoirO…

Are you trying to starve yourself? You didn't eat nearly enough

WTF you barely ate anything get some help

Dont worry go and have a good walk ,

Look. You are totally, inarguably, UNDER eating. You may think that this is condusive to losing weight, but the opposit is true. When you starve your body, it goes into "starvation mode" and holds onto every ounce of fat it's got - it is trying to survive, and since you are trying to kill it, it has to do everything it can to hold on. If you want to lose weight, you need to make sure you are eating a healthy BALANCED diet that provdes your body with nutrients to function properly. Once your body is getting the nutrients it needs to survive, it can start shedding some fat because it won't be under such strain anymore.

Eat smart and exercise. I have lost 15 pounds since January. I DID NOT starve myself - in fact, my diet barely changed at all. Know what my secret was? I did 3 simple things:

1) Switch to whole-grains; no more white bread, white rice, white pasta, white crackers, white cereal - ONLY whole-wheat now, because I know my body will use those nutrients smartly, whereas it will just turn that refined stuff to sugar and eventually fat in my body.

2) Cut juice and pop out of my diet. I rink water and skim milk. Not sucking back 2 large orange juices and a can of pop a day saves me about 900 calories. Remember, juice contains natural sugar, but it is still sugar and you still need to burn those sugary calories off.

3) Go for a 30 minute walk every day.

That's it. Give it a try, and please stop starving yourself. You are losing weight much too quickly. Experts agree that it is unhealthy to lose more than 2 pounds in a week - dropping pounds so fast can lead to heart failure. I know you want to feel better about your body NOW, but you really need to do this the right way, and not the dangerous way.

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