Is it true that energy drink are bad for you?!


Is it true that energy drink are bad for you?

Energy Drinks like Red Bull, Monster or Rockstar

Individual responses to caffeine vary, and these drinks should be treated carefully because of how powerful they are. Energy drinks' stimulating properties can boost the heart rate and blood pressure (sometimes to the point of palpitations), dehydrate the body, and, like other stimulants, prevent sleep.

Energy drinks should not be used while exercising as the combination of fluid loss from sweating and the diuretic quality of the caffeine can leave the user severely dehydrated.

Know what you're drinking. Energy drinks are not necessarily bad for you, but they shouldn't be seen as "natural alternatives" either. Some of the claims they make like "improved performance and concentration" can be misleading. If you think of them as highly-caffeinated drinks, you'll have a more accurate picture of what they are and how they affect you. You wouldn't use Mountain Dew as a sports drink. And a drink like Red Bull and vodka is more like strong coffee and whisky than anything else.

And for god's sake, don't mix alcohol with them. That's just dumb.


many have lots of sugar and
drugs; guarana, caffeine.
stay away. drink water and eat nutritous food.

Energy drinks are mostly sugar, water and caffiene. Other things are added with dubious value.

If you want more energy, then become more healthy. The following is a health drink shown on the Oprah Winfrey Show:

yes they speed up your nervous system and make you jumpy and allt hat sugar and caffeine is really bad too they give you a rush but i doesnt last long and soon afterwards you crash so no their not good for you but then again neither is junk food and hey we all love that

well, only bad for you if you think being loaded down with caffeine and sugar are bad. Take a look at the ingredients. Most of these so called energy drinks are just saturated with sugar and/or caffeine with just a hint of some so called herbal or "natural" energy booster such as ginkgo. What a crock!

there are plenty of energy drinks that are sugar-free. i don't believe any of them are approved by the fda though, so obviously they must not be good for you. just read the label, don't exceed the amount it says you should consume in a day. use your own judgement.

Anything that has caffeine in it can be bad for you in large amounts. Those ones have concentrated amounts. If you drink them and don't hydrate with water, you can dehydrate in no time. Also, drinking them and working out intensely can be dangerous.

I had a friend that drank redbull all day every day and he had a heart attack at 28. He was healthy and physically fit, the cause was od on Red bull.

I drink them and they haven't bothered me. UNLESS your diabetic or on low carb diet, than it's ok.

Most energy drinks like these are not that good for you because of the high level of sugar and caffeine. The reason most energy drinks have a high level of sugar or caffeine is because it is cheaper than putting B vitamins in for real energy. I like XS energy drinks which have no sugar, no carbs, caffeine levels the same as a cup of coffee, more B vitamins in 8oz can than most 24oz, and the best thing is they taste great. You can find them on line at:
under Incredible Edibles

They sure as heck aren't GOOD for you...

Not all energy drinks are the same.

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