What made you decide to become vegan/vegetarian?!


What made you decide to become vegan/vegetarian?

My daughters decided to became vegetarians a little over a year ago. My youngest daughter who 10 years old at the time, read a PETA magazine. That was it for her. She shared it with her sister and I. We decided then that we would become vegetarians and then after a while work towards being vegans. It has been very challenging as there A LOT of products with hidden animal by-products. It also have been entirely worth the effort.

I want to be one but my parents won't let me. I read a book describing how they kill the animals to eat them and what hectic conditions they live in until they are cooked.

Learning about how they kill the poor animals.

because of the way factor farms treat there animals!!!!!!!

well i am a vegetairian and and its simply because i have a great love for animals and wont be apart of eating them when they dont deserve to die

I have always been a picky eater, (although you wouldn't know it to look at me) I realized long ago that meat just turned my stomach, the smell, the appearance, everything. I do all the cooking though, so I still have to deal with the stuff because the rest of the family still eats it. The only meat I miss is bacon. I know there are alternatives, and I use some of them, but nothing replaces real bacon. I am just a vegetarian, not vegan.

Since I was a little girl 6-7yrs I realized that animals had feelings and they werent just food. My mom bought me some chicks and I would take care of them, one day when i was eating breakfast a question popped in my mind..."my eggs are unhatched chicks?" and my mom tried to reassure me that the eggs had nothing to do with the little chicks but i didnt believe her. I was nauseous everytime I saw cooked chicken or meat! I couldnt eat a living creature! but I was little and my parents didnt want me to "starve" and become anemic. I continued eating animals but little by little i became grossed out with the meat, and some parts of the chicken. Everything was gradual...it took me like 6yrs to fully realize that I wasnt meant to eat animals and I had been raised ot believe that animals were food...it wasnt my fault tat i ate meat i was taught that..now I know better and I dont eat animals anymore.. as little as i was i knew what i wanted and it was not animals.

I have always been uncomfortable with eating something that was a live even as a little girl. I started reading about food additives and meat processing a while ago, and it was the most disgusting thing I had ever heard about. So i decided to stop loading my body with toxins. I agree with the political reasons for being a vegetarian too but the main thing was the crap they put in it.

Animals don't deserve to be treated that way, and for all I know, it could have been my dog that I was eating. Meat is also disgusting, if you really think about it, it's a carcass, and that would make those who eat it a scavenger.

I never liked red meat in the first place. Learning about what the animals go through to become meat... I couldn't eat them anymore, even though I loved chicken and fish at the time.

I read a great book called "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser. It's an expose about that fast food industry in the US. After reading a ways into the book, I decided to never eat fast food again. What he describes is deplorable. A few chapters later, he describes what happens at the animal farms that supply meat to the fast food industry. He illustrates the sad, torturous life of cows, pigs and chickens from birth all the way to the slaughterhouse. I cried when I read about how the animals are treated. I vowed to never eat meat again. I went cold turkey that day and I've never looked back.

I saw a picture of a pig being taken to a slaughterhouse and it was sooo sad and made me want to be a vegetarian. I also love animals and hate the thought of eating them. Being a vegetarian is AWESOME!


I eat everything. Meat, plants, anything that tastes good. I've seen 10s of videos of animal slaughter and how the Japanese cut open Dolphins and let them slowly die (the extra Adrenal juices make them taste better) which is so nasty and sick. I love dolphins but you got to realize they have been doing this for years. Hell, animals kill each other and people dont get on them. It is expenise and kind of unhealthly to live off of only plants. It isnt even healthly to live off of meat alone either. You have to find a balance between the two. Thinking about how they killed the animal before you eat it is kind of sick, WHO DOES THAT. Then there are those who say "I only eat veggies and fish". WTF. Fish are animals too. And what about the plants, they have feels too. Ever stop to think about the plants. They practicly give us the air we breath.

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