OMG my dad put meat in my bean soup and I eat it!!!!!?!


OMG my dad put meat in my bean soup and I eat it!!!!!?

Ok l had made this really good bean soup and when l went out side my dad put some bacon in it ( he cut it up really fine) and l ate it and after l ate it he told me he put the bacon in it then he laughed and told me that l was no longer a vegetarian then said I was stupid for being one! I am so mad at him and l feel really bad for eating the meat!!!! He made me so mad that l cried and he just looked at me and goes just grow up and tried to make me eat a piece of chicken but l smaked it out of his hand and ran up stairs and can still hear him down there laughing at me sometimes l j hate him!!!!! So my question is what do l do about my dad!!! Dont say go talk to him l have all ready tried to talk to him he dose not care about anything but himself!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!

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1 week ago
endive1977 and emily r HOW DARE YOU!!!! I HOPE YOU CHOKE ON YOUR HAMBURGER!!!!!!! YOU ALL ARE JUST FREAKING STUPID IDIOTS!!!!!!and by the way i just reported you EVERYONE REPORT endive1977 AND emily r!!!!!!

1 week ago
endive1977 and emily r HOW DARE YOU!!!! I HOPE YOU CHOKE ON YOUR HAMBURGER!!!!!!! YOU ALL ARE JUST FREAKING STUPID IDIOTS!!!!!!and by the way i just reported you EVERYONE REPORT endive1977 AND emily r!!!!!!

wow your dad sounds like a jerk!!!!!!( no offense )

What your father did is wrong, but you are still a vegetarian. Your father hurt his relationship with now trust him less by his actions.

You should talk to either a school counselor, a clergyman or a mental health professional. Talking about it will help you...because this goes beyond just food.

If he gets abusive, call the'll actually be doing him a favor.

Wow, thats really lousy he did that to you. Id tell him if he wants respect from you he should learn how to give respect in return. Don't give up the fight for doing what you believe in, and definetly dont kick yourself for what your dad did too you. He obviously isn't taking you seriously, and must think you are going through a phase. Regardless there is no reason for it, and as much as you don't want to hear it, all you can do is talk to him about your feelings and let him know how badly he makes you feel by behaving that way towards you.

Well, your Dad...if he isn't a vegetarian, he might not understand your ways of eating and how that whole thing works. I would just talk to him again if possible and tell him that he was inconsiderate of your lifestyle choices. I really think that it was rude of him for calling you stupid so therefore I also think that you should explain to him why you are vegan...maybe he might understand if hearing it from your point of view. Another thing you could do is list out all of the pro's and con's (goods and bads) of being vegan. Then make sure you have mostly goods ; ) . Well anyways. Good luck with that situation and I wish you the best of luck... "sassy"

- Meranda -

It sounds like you chose to eat it even after you knew it had bacon in it.. At which point negates the vegetarian thing,..,,I assume you just wrote it incorrectly Your Father is by no means an open minded person as long as your lifestyle choice doesn't affect your health then its your choice... He cannot understand you are no longer a little kid that won't eat her food .... You are making your own choices this is difficult for parents. Also never force your views on him it will cause great strife between you two. Good luck..

Pray for him. People who do that to others need prayer. You'll get through it though.

that's really mean. If I were you I'd never talk to him again.

Your dad sounds like an asswipe. I would go and barf the meat up. But about your dad, you have to think, is the relationship worth trying to fix? If it's not, slowly start disconnecting yourself. Make it so he no longer affects you, make it so in your life he is insignificant. You will have to stop relying on him, for everything. This will take a little bit of time. But once it is completed, it won't matter, because he can't hurt you then. If he tries to pull those meat stunts, just start making your own dinner. You have to take control, stop being his pawn.

That is such a horrible thing to do to someone! I'm absolutely appaled at the behavior of a grown up man, it's rediculously immature! Anyway, what he said about that making you no longer a vegetarian is completely untrue, it is a personal choice and just as much a mental thing as physical had you known the meat was in there, you wouldn't have eaten it. you could be immature too and leave greasy questionable food items in his bed! hehe, that's a bad idea, but it's the only thing I could think of. just know you're being the stronger, more inteligent person.
I'm sorry I can't think of anything to do, he sounds unreasonable, but I wish you the best of luck.

I really don't know what to say. This is a classic case of mental abuse. I would really suggest you contact a school counsoler or speak with a chaplin or someone who might be able to offer some help. It's not really a criminal act so you can't involve the police just yet. Do you have a mom and if so could you talk to her? As a last resort you could contact the department of social services. You definetly want to get some form of authority involved so that these situations can be documented. Don't just brush this off. You need to realize that this is mental abuse. As a law enforcement officer I can tell you I see cases like this all the time and most kids won't report anything because they feel like it won't do any good but in the end documentation may be the difference between a good or bad home life. I'm so sorry this happend to you and I hope things get better really soon.

Don't dwell too much on the fact that you ate meat. It happens sometimes. You are still a vegetarian, which is the conscience choice to avoid meat products. If someone tricked you into eating it then it is not your fault.

Your father sounds very unreasonable. It is a shame that he lowers himself to such a childish level, as he is supposed to be an adult and more importantly your role model. It is kind of ironic that he told you to grow up, when he is the one acting like a child. I would take some time too cool off, don't try and talk to him. You may want to let him come to you.

I have a hard time believing that this emotional abuse(if what you say and how you describe how he acted is acurate) is not present in other areas of his parenting. You may want to talk to a counselor, priest, trusted adult, mother, etc about what is going on. What he is doing is wrong and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Your parents should be building you into a strong person, teaching you the proper way of treating people(which your father is not), and should e the kind of person you can trust more than anyone on earth.

You are going to meet a lot of mean people throughout your life. Many will try and tear you down and hurt you. It is a shame that one of those people has to be your father.

Tell him this, sweetheart:

when he has a heart attack because his animal byproduct is clogging his arteries, you can laugh at him because you'll still be alive and kicking. Being a (PROPER) vegitarian/vegan is the best kind of diet. It's healthy, makes you live longer...etc.

Your dad just doesn't understand and that's his undoing. if he wants to rift your relationship and can't understand why you don't like meat, then that's his problem and you need to maybe explain to him *why* you are a vegitarian. (and please...don't just say "because it's cruelty to animals" lol).

That is just cruel. Sadly some people think stuff like this is funny, and your dad is one of them. I suggest cooking your own food and not taking your eyes off it. This is what I did and still do with people I don't know well, because I've had people try feed me meat. Good luck hun. Sorry you had to go through this.

You dear are still a Vegetarian. This is a sad tale. I am sorry your father is so closed to your rights & your feelings. This is an amazingly cruel & immature action on his part.
These type things ruin relationships, & these trepasses live on long after the events take place.

take ketchup and paint meat is murder on his bedroom wall lol. he sounds like a major prick . my mom used to be really bad in the beginning she still isnt great but she has improved. she usually starts up arguments about how chicken isnt as bad as beef . she tries to get me to eat things with meat and tells me just to "pick it out". but she is improving , just today she went to walmart and came home with some morningstar products and asked me to make them for her so i said i would be glad to .

another thing she doesnt understand is how i avoid ALL animal products such as monoglycerides and diglycerides , whey , rennet , etcc.. this keeps me from eating alot of food she tries to give me but i just have to keep reminding her why im declining to eat it.

unfortunately there really isnt anything you can do about your dad , pricks exist and it sounds like he is one who stand by eating his meat . just let him eat his nasty crap and he will deal with the consequences later and will probably need you to take care of him after that heart attack. just keep doing your thing and watch your meals very closely . or better yet prepare your meals when no one else is around.
good luck , stay true to what you are !!

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