Local or imported produce?!


Local or imported produce?

Which is more ethical, eating local produce or imported produce? Local produce helps out local farmers, uses less gasoline to transport to market and can be safer?

Imported produce often gives money to third world nations who can really use the money to better themselves and their communities. It provides jobs and a future to people who might otherwise have had none.

If the produce is organic, yes it would be better to purchase local grown. But most farmers, they don't raise them organically. Most use chemicals and hormones to grow them faster and it loses its taste and also it also produces chemicals in your body. Where obesity becomes normal way of life. Imported goods are usually more organic. Still the choice is the purchasers. Produce from Turkey, Central and South America, Israil usually are good choices.

I think local farmers is better to buy from because they are fresher and like you said, its better for the enviroment by using less gasoline and doesnt travel as far.
Plus, its good for your community.
But..Most of all, they are fresher.
And not as many chemicals are used when you get farm fresh because they arent using chemicals to keep it fresh for the travel.

local, keep it fresh also

I'm not sure why it would be unethical to eat imported produce, but locally grown produce has the best chance of providing essential nutrition. Living plants eat their own nutrients for their survival.

Local produce, for sure. Organic produce is available at your local farmer's market, and it's probably the best choice. You pay only slightly higher prices for the highest quality produce without worrying about pesticides or other harmful chemicals. You can help third world countries in other ways instead of buying their produce. I like our fair trade shops here in town; most of the proceeds go directly back to the artisan so he/she can continue to support his/her family and make a decent living with their crafts. Have you seen the dresses from South American weavers? I bet you'd flip. Take care!

Eating local is probably one of the things I am most passionate about. It is more important to me to eat locally than organically (although local organic is best), because knowing where my food came from is important. I suppose this isn't true for all places, but my state has lots of small farms that love what they grow. I buy as much of my food as possible from the farmers market so I know who grew my food and that the animals who my milk and eggs came from are well cared for. Not to mention it's fresher and tastes a billion times better! Farmers in the usa don't get much money from supermarkets so it is best to buy food directly from them.
Imported produce dosn't give money to third world nations, it gives money to the multinational corporations who basically enslave the people in those countries by buying up their land and putting them in the position that working that land for pennies a day in horrible conditions is the only way they can make money. which they then have to spend to buy food from those same corporations to survive. unfortunately because the corporations own all the land the people can't even grow their own food. there's so much more to it, and that isn't the case in every situation, but it happens a LOT. and it's really sad. I would really reccommend doing a bit of reading on it, you'll learn a lot about how food systems work. and I don't think there's a more important thing to know about becaus if there is one thing everyone on this planet has in common it is the need to eat.

As an ethical issue you need to look at the concept of causing the least harm.

Many products from poorer nations are bought from companies that are not local to that nation, so most of the money will go to a richer country and the farmer will get a few cents and a kick in the head. If you don't believe me I can buy a tonne of fuji apples from China for $8 at current market rates.

It is a complicated world that we live in, and if you buy most fresh produce now, you will have no idea where it comes from. It seems so lovely to be able to buy winter fruits in summer and summer fruits in winter...but there is a cost.

The problem with supporting local products is that the farmers get lazy and inneficient. They make poor use of resources, eg water, or grow thing out of season and need to irrigate and heat the plants.

From an environment point of view, mostly we don't know. Products have an invisible environmental footprint that is almost impossible to calculate and in the global environment the same product could come from many different places, so we just don't know.

I would suggest, (and remember I am a lefty when I say this) let market forces do there thing. Market forces will balance things out to let you buy the most efficient product. When wages in one country a low, the cost of their products is low, so they sell more, improving their economy and increasing inflation driving up costs and prices.

But we also need to support laws that support this. Tax regimes currently do not tax someone for polluting water and air, or exploiting workers. This means that sometimes things have a higher cost but a lower price.

I prefer local produce and it is cheaper and supports our countries economy.

It is always fresh too and there's an assurance that it is safe too.

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