Food/Drink that you absolutly HATE!?!


Food/Drink that you absolutly HATE!?

I want to know what foods/drinks make you absolutly SICK.

Not allergies, just gross food/drinks!

Additional Details

1 week ago
Mine are:

Chedder cheese
runny eggs

1 week ago
Mine are:

Chedder cheese
runny eggs


Cranberry Juice & Spinach

I hate milk and I hate Indian food. Indian food is probably the most disgusting food I have ever eaten. And I hate alcohol. I just can't handle the taste of it.

Sea cucumbers!

tonic water
cranberry juice
malaccan gravy
raw squid (still alive)
this green slimey vegetable (dont recall what its called)
chappati bread
sweet potato
gourd (the green one)
soy mince

i stand anything about fish and ever since i was liitle, if i looked smelled or tasted mustard i would vomit. and it sucks because at subway if the person before got mustard, there will still be some on the counter or knife and it get on my sandwich and i can task the slightest bit and i vomit because it tastes sooo bad!

Anything with ginger.

I agree with Indian food. Asparagus. Lima beans. Peas. Brussel Sprouts. That Orbitz drink that has the gelatinous balls floating through it. Creepy.

for food non veg and for drink alcohols....

This is really sad, because I was born and raised in Hawaii, but Poi makes me gag, literally. When we go to parties, I give mine to my son, who just loves it.

hame and beans, plain eggs, spinach, most veggies, pineapple and ham on pizza, clamato drink,

Bitter Gourd.

Brussells Sprouts - my Dad made me sit for 2 days with a bowlful of the things and punished me every time I was sick.

Cauliflower - my aunt invited me to her house for dinner (she was very poor) and had asked me whether there was anything I did not like - I forgot the cauliflower - so you can guess what there was for supper. Cauliflower - BOILED TO DEATH AND THEN FRIED IN EGG! I was suffering from a cyst on my spleen (which pushes up the stomach) and a hiatus hernia at the time, and eating was a major problem anyway, but there was this cauliflower! I managed a couple of mouthfuls and I do not know how it stayed down until the taxi came to pick me up. We got round the corner and I told him to stop, leaned out the door and ......... He thought I had had too much to drink until I told him what had happened - and he laughed his head off ..........! No sympathy then.

I absolutely cannot stand:

1) Peas (hate it! kill it, smush it up! don't ever grow 'em.)

2) Olives (only like olive oil and olive butter, but to eat it from the jar is just really bleh!)

3) All kinds of cheese (the smell and taste is revolting)

runny eggs
pasta sauce

I am with you when it comes to runny eggs. YUCK!!!
I am not a picky eater. But I HATE Brussel Sprouts and liver.

Vegetable Juice (Tomato or Carrot Juice) and some super sweet chocolates.

Any type of Squash

Any type of Tea

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