How often do you eat fast-food?!


How often do you eat fast-food?

Be it from the notorious restaurant with the golden arches or elsewhere...

I reckon I eat it about five or six times a year.

Rarely, my husband and I drove from Benidorm to Great Yarmouth last weekend. It took a couple of days. By Sunday evening we'd finished the food we brought so we stopped at Little Chef. That's about the only reason we eat fast food, not that you could describe little chef as being fast. We rejected the Golden Arches, even though we stopped there to use the toilet. The food is repulsive!

Once every 3 months. I may eat at a burger fast food place once or twice a year. The rest of the time I'll have pizza.

whenever i fancy it i might go a couple of weeks eatin take out and then months without not bothereing. he he im going out on sunday for some tho! yay!

alot.. mcdonalds, wendys, hanks... im surprised im not over weight yet. one day it will probably catch up with me.

jeez youre a good girl

on average about once a week

So that stuff is actually edible? Amazing.

5 times a week

I eat fast food about 2 or 3 times a week!!!!!!

erm if u count curry, once a month

Never. Read or watch "Fast Food Nation" and watch "Supersize me"

I love chinese so a few times a year not much at all. I had Mc grossness twice last year.

As often as i can catch it!

Most of my fast food eating comes during the summer when I'm on the move or playing softball and I need to eat... fast.

I try to keep it to a minimum, though. I don't really like the feeling I get after I eat fast food. If I could, I'd never eat it, but I'd say that I eat fast food once or twice per month.

i don't like it,so not me!

I eat takeaway once a week usually (a friday treat) I haven't had it for a couple of weeks though.

I don't really eat from fast food burger chains but i do enjoy a beef madras with nan bread every Sunday from my local Indian curry house all the herbs and spices are good for you or at least that's what i keep telling myself

Very rarely. My body is a temple

I only eat at Subways may be once a month when I go fro long driving trips, never eat at any of the burger places

i never eat it, its just full of crap. not good for you one bit

Maybe 10 to 15 times a year. It happens when ever I am out or a long way from home and on the run. Its not a daily thing.

Probably Twice a month....
More than I should anyways.

one time in month! sometimes one time in 2 months!
I don't like fast foods really,so I try to make myself some food!
I think That's way better than anything ...
But I never tell myslef that I musn't eat any fast food,cuz It's kinda strict to be! ;)

blimey how do you count over a year.

i eat 2-3 times a week.

terrible i know.

If my memory doesn't fail me, I have eaten at MacDonald's 3 times in my life. This must be the reason I found the meals there rather tasty )))

Maybe a couple of times per month. I prefer to cook and eat from home.

Includind McDonald's, Burger King, Cracker Barrel, Apple Bees, King's Island - Chinese, Mexican food, Kentucky Fried Chicken, pretty much every day (using coupons as much as I can )

The longest I have managed to go without is 27 months. That golden arches place is disgusting. However, unfortunately I had to break that just now to try and talk a friend out of suicide. I succeeded but it did mean that I had to eat that rubbish and look as though I was enjoying it, it was her idea after all!

I feel sick. Someone pass the bucket please!! The only time I would eat there, or any where like that under normal circumstances is if I was having a hypo and needed sustenance FAST!

that would b about 2 times a week try not to eat more as we all no its not good 4 you bit if i eat and drink all that is good 4 me i would not have a vice as i do not smoke or drink so i do like a good pizza or curry or burger now and then

hmm, perhaps once a month, (if i have cravings for some grease) though the type of fast-food i can actually handle is rather limited.

i have to say though, that i know "health conscious" (!) people who would not touch fast-food and yet would have junky stuff like potato chips etc. in their pantries at all times.

i mean really!!

sadly once or twice a week, that's all that's available on base right now

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