Who's having a cooked tea tonight then ?!


Who's having a cooked tea tonight then ?

Well I'm not and neither are my kids. My cooker is defunked and I have been waiting all afternoon for a gas fitter to come and plumb my new gas cooker in. he ain't turned up and i've got to go out and pick my daughter up from school now. We had a take-away last night, i can't keep buying food out every night. He better turn up after 4pm OR ELSE.!!

you poor thing!! i remember when we moved into our current house we had to live in the attic for a week or 2, - long story!!! anyway, for one of those weeks, we only had a microwave:( not good!!!
we had toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and take away or toast for dinner!
:( poor you!! i hope the gas man turns up soon for you!!
im not really sure what im having tonight, but all this talk of takeaways is making me hungry and i fancy a curry!! YUM!! hehe
sorry!!- why not buy some ready meals that you can microwave, or soup! and hey presto, its a cross between proper dinner and take away!!! hehe xxx

get a kebab mate!

mi by my mum hahahahaha lol

I`m not, just been out for Fish and chips Mmmmmm

Have a Chinese or an Indian.

mmm kfc family bucket.. and its cheap :)

Im only having brown rice and veg cos im trying to be healthy, so you're not missing out here

Could always have a ploughmans or some pilchards on toast?

how about cold quiche and salad?

Buy some salad foods and have a salad, much more healthy.

I am all hungry now and my fridge is EMPTY. No take away shops near me either!!!!!

What a pain in the ***** when I moved in to my last flat we had to make do without any gas for a month and it was so annoying not being able to have a bath, or cook food. We were actually bored of take-away by the end of it.

Personally I think a trip to the chip shop may be in order for us all.

Hot food, I remember that..
Them were the days.

Me,every night from my wife,bless her shes a diamond.

Off to Slimming World, will cry cos I have probably put on a few pounds then will go to the chippie!!

Hope the gas man turns up! It is so annoying when this happens!

Good luck

I'm in the middle of cooking a laden calorie spaghetti bolognese
Can't wait to get my gums round it. Yum yum

I cooked a huge roast lamb dinner last night, mint sauce, gravy, roasters, 3 veg, new potatoes. It was lovely!! And I done so much, we're having it again tonight! So, I'm not exactly cooking but we are having a proper meal. I hate when you have to wait in for men to fix things [or women] cos they always turn up the five mins you've popped out for something essential. Hope it doesn't happen to you!

Yes I'm cooking roast chicken, roast spuds,new pots,peas carrots and broccoli for my lot. It's a nuisance when your cooker conks out especially when you've got kids to feed, takeaway is ok, but if you've got a family to feed it costs an absolute fortune to keep buying them. Hope the gas man comes soon, there's one thing you can always rely on the gasman for and that's being unreliable!

Im going out to eat, yay!

Maybe you should invite yourself round to someone elses to eat.

Take the cost of the take away off the gas fitters fee!

Or at least keep imagining his face if you could do that.....

trying to decide between chinese or chips and curry sauce at the mo!

I′ve got fresh fruit salad and yoghurt.

i had fish and chips from iceland
yum yum

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