Why are vegans so delicate and breakable?!


Why are vegans so delicate and breakable?

My vegan girlfreind and I were out for a drive and had a flat tire. When she was changing it, she hurt her back. She had only gotten one lug nut off and was already hurt. It took her forever to finish the job. Fortunatly I had a newspaper to read and some beef jerkey to nourish myself while I patiently waited for her to finish changing the tire. She seems to get hurt easily. Is she perhaps defective, or is this common place amongst vegans to get hurt so easily?

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6 days ago
MICHAEL H You need to get out of the closet and pay attention. I am a VEGETARIAN. And that is a fact. See, pal, we have something in common after all, just not the cowardly habits you appear to have going on.

6 days ago
MICHAEL H You need to get out of the closet and pay attention. I am a VEGETARIAN. And that is a fact. See, pal, we have something in common after all, just not the cowardly habits you appear to have going on.

HAHA... you made your girlfriend change the flat???
What a gentleman!!
But... something still puzzles me...how would someone like you ever get a girlfriend?
I mean... it's apparent that you try to make up for certain... hmmm...inadequacies... by acting like a smart@ss in here... What exactly do these girls find attractive? I guess she is defective... but not because she is a vegan...

How much time do you spend making up these stories?

"Nice Guys Finish Last"

HA! You so funny...

cuz they dont have any meat on their bones.

and why do you have your gf change a tire for you!?!?!?!?!??!?! why dont you change it yourself you bad bf you!!!

You should stop making up stories.

You're killing us, Nice Guy! *laughter*

lots of girls are like that, they have never been required to do anything heavy duty in their home or at a job. It doesn't have to do with being a vegan, she's just more feminine than some other girls. I've met girls who can't pick upa suitcase or a bucket of paint is too heavy for them, they just aren't used to it.

vegans are not delicate and breakable well some are but most aren't maybe your girlfriend is just weak!!!!!

Is your meat diet imparing your memory or something, you've asked this exact question before

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All the vegans I have met have been sickly and weak people, it is due to them not getting enough nutrition.

i didnt think vegans were all that delicate, a vegan friend of mine took a spill off my 17.1 hand draft horse (thats a horse that 5'7 at the shoulder) she just got up and laughed, then climbed right back on. i had 2 vegans come out and help me correct 200 yards of bad fencing that got knocked over by debris from flooding. they seemed strong enough to pull the broken wood posts out of the ground and lay new ones. no complaits from any of them. maybe she was trying to get you to get your lazy bum out there to help you, or perhaps she wrenched her back trying to pry the lugnut off- but im sure you dont complain about her vegan physique once the lights are out- wink wink.

You really don't live up to your screen name, do you? What kind of jerk makes their girlfriend change a tire?

Apparently eating meat makes people like you selfish and rude.

how can you be a "vegetarian" when you eat beef jerky?
you are a moron. how long did it take you to come up with this made up story?

you were letting your gf change the tire while you were sitting on your butt eating meat? quite a story there, buddy.

Most vegetarians are delicate because they don't take their diet in proper proportions. If you eat a lot of fruits and raw vegetables, you can be healthier and stronger than a non-vegetarian because people who eat meat are seconary consumers and vegans are primary.

sorry about your gf back-don't think her diets to blame for that-us women-just have more delicate framework.

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