So I am Indian and actually, my grandmother says that spicy food will give you nightmares. I put it down to an old wives' tale, but I have experienced something similar. Apparently it's normal! :)
I eat spicy food all the time. It's part of my diet, I have a hard time enjoying any meal without some heat in it. About it causing nightmares I think that is just some form of superstition because I don't have nightmares every night. Some nights I have wonderful loving dreams, sometimes I'll have weird dreams that don't make sense, nightmares are rare for me so it must be something else that is causing you to have bad nightmares.
There is some scientific evidence that eating spicy food before bed can cause indigestion which can disturb your sleep.
I love spicy food and tend to eat too much chilli, but when that happens I usually end up with a stomach ache in the morning rather than a nightmare.
I find it funny that it's a cow. Milk is always suggested to relieve the burn on spicy foods.
Never heard that one. Spicy foods release endorphins.
maybe you think that spicy food will do that, so it does happen. your mind can play tricks on you like that.