Is it okay to eat a raw platano???!

Question: Is it okay to eat a raw platano???

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I have eaten small pieces of platanos maduros raw and even less of the green ones. You won't die from it, it just isn't as tasty.

Green one are too starchy
blackish yellow (maduro) are too slimy (but it tastes ok)

done it

8 answers in 5 hours. Only 1 answered correctly and the person got 0 thumbs up and 2 thumbs down. Tyler C spoke from experience and nailed the question.

"Raw" platano got a slightly harder texture than bananas. Platano is not as sweet as bananas and there's a stronger hint of sourness. The aroma is not as strong as bananas as well. It is perfectly okay to eat "raw" platano and they tasted pretty good.

PS: Bananas will taste hard and bitter too if you didn't remove the peels.

Correction: There were 9 answers instead of 8.

Added: I have eaten un-ripen platanos before. Even those don't taste bad. They just got a harder texture that's all.

You know platano means banana in spanish right? Anyways I think you mean plantain. Who ever the F*ck marked me down is a dumbass cause im right. pinches gringos.

Yes, you can, but it's like eating a potato raw. Kind of starchy and not a lot of flavor.

Of course, I eat them raw all the time...and they aren't gross. I prefer the taste of raw plantains over bananas.

Yea, it's technically okay; but why would you? They're gross raw. Kind of like eating an orange peel. Yuck!

You will get the "trots" if you do eat the plantain raw!

YOU can, but, its hard and bitter!!!

I think so

I wouldn't you'll probably get sick


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