Why do people come into this section just to bash vegans and vegetarians?!


Why do people come into this section just to bash vegans and vegetarians?

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6 days ago
Michael H that was very rude.... you have been reported.

6 days ago
Michael H that was very rude.... you have been reported.

it's the internet. bashing is what it's all about.

I don't know either.It happens alot in R&S too.

They're unhappy and/or frustrated.

Because they can.

Because they're ignorant, or probably idiotic.

Same thing happens on the religious board. It's just the way it is. Oh, and corn has feelings too.

Because they probably have too much time on their hands and not enough self-esteem. As a result, they sit infront of their computers and put others down to make them feel better about themselves.

The same goes for people who insult people of a different religion, political party, or race.

I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, how does what SOME STRANGER eats affect these bashers in any way, shape, or form. If anything, they should just look at it as "hey, more meat for me."

b/c meat is Delicious.
Really some people just want everybody to conform to their way of thinking.

cos its where they hang out. other than at the bird table.

who cares? why do you let it bother you? i'm a vegetarian and perfectly happy. if they bug you again, just remind yourself that they are most likely ugly and fat from eating all that nasty fatty mcdonald's meat.

to make themselves feel good. people enjoy putting others down. it raises their "feel good" bar. dont let it get to you

I don;t know.

I guess some people feel that meat-eaters have a "superiority" over "leaf-eaters", so believe they have some kind of right to make fun of them.

Atheists get the same treatment at R&S

#1. You don't have to be in this section to answer this question. I got here from the main answer page.
#2. Because people like to bash everything. No matter what it is. I don't know why but it's true.

Because they think all of them are hippys who dont showerand live in the 60's even though there not. I dont think that way though, because I respect other people choices to live their life.

Cause they have met so many Vegans and Vegetarians who bash anyone who isn't one. So they take the oppurtunity to bash back whenever they can...

They are a bunch of socially maladjusted, frustrated idiots, hiding behind Avatars. Like all of us that spend more time here than interacting with real-live 3D humans.

I don't think Vegetarian category has much to do with it, I assume they troll any category that enables easy pot-shots. They just have a little extra hatred to get out of their systems.

Also, they have fat on the brain. HAR HAR HAR

I'm sorry people do that. I'm not a vegan or a vegetarian, but why would people bash you just because of the foods you choose not to eat. It makes no sense to me.

I think you need to consider the source. And since these sources are acting anonymously on the Internet to do this bashing, I would conclude that they are most likely angry cowards.

Because they are wussies. Any more questions.

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Because this sections purpose was to inform vegetarians about their lives, instead veggies use it to bash meat eaters, of course meat eaters are going to fight back cause no one wants to take crap off a smelly hippy.

Same reason people are on Answers. They are bored. There are a bunch of dumb posts in this area as well.

Most of these people who do that feel and insist that a non veg diet type is how humans are rightfully suppose to have. They feel annoyed and cannot understand why people choose to be vegetarians. By mocking and constantly asking questions that attempt to "catch" vegetarians in their act of hyprocrisy, they feel that they're making a point or statement. Mostly, it's just ignorance and disrepect they're proving.

Because, some overzealous vegans/ vegitarians have no problem telling people who eat meat that they have poor morals and they are bad people. Anybody who goes around making harsh judgemants like that is opn for critisizm.

I eat meat, but I can also RESPECT those who choose not to that's your choice. I don't need to know why, how or whatever.

Believe me I'll be the first one in line to bash the first meat eater who makes a lame *** comment, just remember the door swings both ways.

It's ok to have strenght in your convictions just don't go assuming your justified in passing judgement on others because you feel your morally correct.

Bullies like to antagonize anyone they can. Everyone knows bullies are jerks. They get their rocks off by getting under your skin, so don't let them.

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