Ideas for diet after surgery?!


Ideas for diet after surgery?

I am going to be cooking most of the meals for a woman who has recently had stomach surgery (I'll be doing some of her food shopping, too).

Her diet is currently limited to soft foods, such as soups, yogurt, puddings, etc. My job is to meet her requirements, but try to add some variety and excitement to the things she eats. Also, I obviously need to provide adequate can only get so many vitamins from pudding!

I'm not necessarily looking for specific recipes, although they would be welcome. Mostly, I'd appreciate just ideas and guidelines.

I should point out that she's about 40 years old, and has no other particular dietary restrictions. I would, however, prefer not to prepare things that are <> with fat, sugar, or sodium.

i had stomach surgery 3-27-07. had to follow same diet. went to wal-mart picked up a good protein powder. mixed that with low-fat milk 2x a day to get required grams of protein. other than that i basically lived on pintos and cheese, mashed potatoes, sugar free puddings, chicken broth, chicken noodle soup, mushroom soup, yogurt, popsicles, cottage cheese. basically anything very soft. i got to where if i boiled chicken to the point of it almost falling apart and added some rice, that stayed down too. i don't know what kind of surgery your friend is having, but be warned some foods textures might not be tolerated too good at first. i'm still trying to re-introduce some foods back into my diet.
tell your friend i wsih her good luck with the surgery and a speedy recovery. e-mail me if you need too.

bariatric surgery 3-27-07

This recipe is fantastic.... it is called mujedareh.. it is brown lentils cooked with a chicken boullion cube topped with fried onions and served with rice. Also make yogurt with cucumber shavings and salt to serve on the side. Nutricious and delicious!

・ 2 cups lentils
・ 1/3 cup rice
・ 1 cup chopped onion
・ 3/4 cup olive oil
・ 1 tsp. salt


Here is a well flavored and filling dish for lunches. An excellent substitute for baked beans. Eat it with raw relishes or a crisp cabbage salad, lettuce salad, cucumber and tomato salad.

Pick over and wash lentils well. Soak overnight. Put in pressure cooker with enough fresh water to cover. Cook under pressure for seven minutes. Add rice and cook under pressure another seven minutes. Fry onions in olive oil until brown. Mix lentils and rice with onion and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. Pour onto large serving platter. Serve hot, lukewarm or cold. May be garnished with onions which have been sliced and fried in olive oil. This quantity makes about 10 portions. ( you can freeze left overs.

try using lemon and olive oil in mashed potatoes instead of butter! Yummy.

Yogurt!!! wonderful there is a dannon new one that helps regulate digestion she will need this with a new diet, a better digestion system a better diet plan over all and adding yogurt has been shown to help weight loss verse without it in a diet and she will get the calcium she needs

Now as for other things mashed potatoes, skip butter if possible
make some smashed cauliflower as well or broccoli like potatoes but with other vegetables

try other things like fish for meats since red and chicken will be not as soft to digest, so stick with things like fish for food and steam the fish if you can and stay away from butters

if she likes tilapia you can use my tilapia recipe it's wonderful

you need Cajun spices or you can skip that

set the oven to broil option and cook the fish on low for 10 minuets add some shrimp on top and cook that for another 5-8 minuets or toss on already cooked shrimp then top it all with Alfredo sauce wonderful and soft

She needs to contact her M.D. as to the diet she should be following since surgery and after as there is usually an up swing to regular diet of "chew" food spices etc. Her age is very young for someone to be on a soft diet for the rest of their life. You will need to examine calorie output vs input. To help with types of food go to there is a dietitian
on there that maybe able to help you in your endeavors.
Good luck and best wishes.

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