Why do straws always have strips on them?!
Why do straws always have strips on them?
I mean, why do they even bother to make strips on them? Its not like people are going to be like "well that straw doent have a stripe going down it...so im not going to drink out of that one"....
It's just for decoration...don't waste too many brain cells thinking about it.
just to make them look pretty
Not all straws do have strips on them... But i think Mcdonalds does and its like one yellow and one red on it.
The stripes on the straw neutralizes the gravity inside of the tube allowing the fluid to flow to the top
hahah youre funny i like u..
but now im gona be up all night wondering why straws really do have strips on them haha
to answer your question im not sure exactly. try calling the straw factory they might be able to help you out
so you dont poke your eye out
they do make them... they have solid colored straws.