Should the Cornish leave our celebrity chefs alone?!


Should the Cornish leave our celebrity chefs alone?

Barmiecw - calm down mate. Don't act like cornwall is the only place in the country that attracts tourists. Perhaps your oh so expensive water rates would be cheaper, but the loss of jobs and general income into the county would kinda be a little more finacially damaging. If you don't like it, bloody go on holiday to somewhere good, like London - we have Beeches here too, as well as Oaks, Pines, and a number of other types of flora.

And if you did get your "independance", how long would it be until you started crying about not being able to travel outside of Cornwall without a passport. Or be protected by the rest of the nation with regard to economy, defence, taxation, so on and so forth.

Sorry, rant over.

Yes they should. They ar eonly chefs

Yes I read all about it in the paper today it makes awful reading. Threatened by cowards.

I am hoping this is just a publicity seeking device to draw attention to the problems Cornish people have with property prices.

Cornwall has become a capitalists playground which is pricing Cornish people out of living in their own county.
This is hardly the only place in Britain where this happens though!

You know what....if the Cornish feel so strong about being a part of England maybe we should stop propping up their lifestyle by not spending our money there and visiting in the first place ;)

This will get people going ;)

The Cornish should remember that, without tourism, their County would be screwed.

Well the Cornish make great pasties so maybe they could teach these chefs a thing or two about that and how to do a decent cream tea!?

When I read this news report I could not stop laughing at first.
Then when I read that they are ruining peoples cars and threatening them. I got bl00dy angry.
They should realise that if it was not for tourism and holiday-makers their county would suffer and suffer badly.
If everyone this year decides against going to their county, a lot of shops and small business will close for good.
And the police, well, they can`t tell me that they are going to investigate this. They are to busy chasing motorists.

Shouldn't the question be, "should the celebrity chefs leave the Cornish alone?"

The Great Lispy One in particular recently in the news is only using Newquay to glorify himself and further his career.

As for the fish cooking "Hobby Hos", (Padstow tradition, for those who don't know) what exactly has he done for Cornwall, except open over priced seafood restaurants?

Acting in their own cookery programmes and taking part in supermarket adverts, neither of them are ever here anyway, its just branding, something that they themselves might need!!!!!!

As for the tourist industry, if all you do is come down here, drive like you've never seen a car before, let alone get in one, overcrowd the beeches, use our water for which you pay no water rates (this is why ours is amoungst the highest) and get drunk/off your face in the bars in Newquay, I myself would prefer the tourists go else where. Also it is down to the tourist industry that has lead to the large number of second home owners whose main home is else where in the country, making prices rise so high that the locals can't afford to buy any of the properties in their own home town.

The Cornish have asked for independance for years and its about time it happened. Perhaps then we could charge a large enough amount at the Tamar Bridge to keep the general rif-raf out!!!!!!!

Aurthur R: FYI yes you are right we don't have to pay for sea water, but what we do have to pay is cleaning up the rubbish that you leave on the beaches and in the sea!! Hence why we have some of the cleanist beaches in the U.K.

Yes, and they should leave the English alone too.
Gordon Browns "We are all British" is a load of crap.
The Cornish want our money, but also want to ensure that English people don't live their.
What about House prices elsewhere? There are loads of incomers where i live, they are pushing the cost of buying a home up too. But, i would never think it right to make such threats.

Barmiecw you sound as `tho you should be Welsh if the tourists stopped coming you would soon change your tune I think, I reckon all the effluent from the tin mines must have affected your brain - ask yourself why Rick Stein is doing so well - & ask yourself why no Cornishman has done what he has done - do you seriously think that Padstow would be as prosperous as it is? The vandalism of tourists cars etc puts the perpetrators on a par with animal rights activists - also by the way you don`t pay rates on sea water!! Get a hobby!!

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