The cows milk?!


The cows milk?

Does the cows blood touches the cows milk in the udder? It said on the internet the milk gets the nutrions from the cows blood, so for the milk to get the nutirons from the blood that means the cows blood touches the cows milk yuk

Eww! I hope not! Man, I like milk too. You may have just ruined that for me. : (

No...It is like our bodies pull nutrients from our blood. The milk does not come in contact with blood.

no,i dont know how it works but they do not touch

No it does not touch the blood. Lets say your fingernails get
nutrition for your blood but they don't really touch the blood do

If that was true would the milk be red??

No it doesn't if it did the cow would soon expire through
blood loss.

The body (yours or a cow's) has different systems for moving or producing various items throughout the body.

The circulatory system (which uses blood) moves nutrition, oxygen, and other materials through the body for other systems' use. It only serves as transportation. When the blood reaches an organ or muscle, nutrients are moved into the tissue, generally by using Osmosis. The tissue (in this case, mammary glands) use the nutrients, fluids, etc. to fulfil the function of the organ (produce milk).

well every living thing (except plants) have blood everywhere inside them so its sort of a yeah cos the udder is an organ and they need blood to work... i think

Don't give it too much thought people have drunk milk for centuries.
worry more about the salt ,fat and additives in the rest of your food now that really is gross!

If that were true we could get Mad Cow's Disease from drinking milk. When there was a recall they only recalled the meat not the milk. So I would say some one is full of sh*t or just miss informed.

Going back to my college days - which was a long time ago. So here goes -

Milk is produced by the gland cells lining the alveoli deep in the udder and it is stored in te alveoli, their ducts and in the udder cistern between milkings. Milks components are derived from metabolites carried in the blood and it is said the 500 litres of blood must flow through the udder to produce each litre of milk. The gland cell synthesises a globule of milk fat in its cytoplasm and then extrudes it out into the alveolar space. As the globule passes through the cell membrane, it becomes costed with a thin layer of protien and in this way the fat and some of the protien components of the milk are formed.

So basically blood is milk.


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