Calorie estimate for this Chinese takeout?!
It is from the restaurant Chopstix:
Tofu with Mixed Vegetables
"Steamed without any oil, cornstarch, salt, or sugar. Accompanied with a brown sauce on the side."
The rice came in the standard size rice box, and the vegetables+tofu in a 5"x8"x2" container.
Tofu with Mixed Vegetables
"Steamed without any oil, cornstarch, salt, or sugar. Accompanied with a brown sauce on the side."
The rice came in the standard size rice box, and the vegetables+tofu in a 5"x8"x2" container.
Hmm like 500-600 ?
I dont't know about the calorie count but this definitely looks like a healthly meal provided the rice is brown or white and not fried .
I wouldn't worry about the callories. You'll have a heart attack from the salt (MSG) before you get fat. PS Special fried rice is the left overs from last night with added salt and, maybe a egg wipped in for good luck. Neverforget 'All Asians Lie'