Chilli chilli chilli arrgh !!!!?!


Chilli chilli chilli arrgh !!!!?

why when i eat chilli dishes i always get hiccups ... why do hot things make us hiccup.. as in spicy hot...

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6 days ago

6 days ago

a hicup is when your diaphram is being irritated, maby it is the spice hat is irritating it?
and when you hicup, thats you diaohram vibrating to try and clean its-self, or something like that.

i think it's your diaphragm contracting. i don't know why you get it with spicy foods but i get them when i'm full or if i gulp something really cold while eating.

a hiccup is like a shock or something in the diaphram
and i heard that they (scientists) dont know why it happens
when i eat spicy food i dont get hiccups my mouth is just like tasteless for a while

Someone needs to scare the crap out of you to get this to stop.

A hiccup is a short exhalation caused by the combination of your diaphragm in shock and you Epiglottis being forced to open and shut. You inhale into your lungs, but this action, whilst the epiglottis is open causes gas from the stomach to escape.

It is a normal responce to a sharp increase of gas in the stomach. Drinking water acts on stretch receptors in the stomach and allows the effective "reset" of the diaphragm sympathetic nervous system.

hiccup-a spasmodic drawing in of a breath that is stopped by sudden closure of the glottis and is accompanied by a peculiar sound

A hiccup is caused by a sudden involuntary contraction of the diaphragm.

Cause unknown...

..but I make some killer curries that make my husband hiccup - I thought it was just him and he was being a pig and eating too fast or something... thanks to you I now know better - I thank you and my husband thanks you... have a star!

It happens to my mom too. and to my aunt, and to their dad. Nobody knows why, but at least you're not the only one

Try to eat an antacid before spicy.

Don't Know

I'm not sure - I usually get indegestion

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