


I really want to become vegatarian but i don't really know what to do i love eating chicken and hot dogs but i hate the fact that animals are killed for it is there anyway that i can become vegatarian and still eat poltry? how should i tell my parents

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6 days ago
So if i went vegatarian i can still eat pasta

6 days ago
So if i went vegatarian i can still eat pasta

First off, YES you can still eat pasta.

Second, you probably should tell your parents, otherwise they'll think that since you're not eating chicken or hot dogs you're anorexic. DO NOT make people think that you are anorexic.

There's a vegetarian alternative to everything. Trust me, 99% of all supermerkets have a little section of veggie beef, chicken, "not dogs", bacon, etc. You can also look in your health food store and see if there's a Whole Foods supermarket near you.

NO, you cannot be a vegetarian and still eat poultry. Chickens are tortured even worse than cows and pigs. Check out for some gruesome videos and stuff like that.

Good luck on your way to a healthier, humaner and cleaner lifestyle! Go to and for more information.


you don't have to tell your parents or anyone else.

I wouldn't.

Do you think less animals would die if more people quit eating meat? I'm not so sure that would be the case. I'd like to think so, but I'm not sure.

Talk to them about your desicion, and explain why you want to be a vegatarian. They`ll understand, They want the best for you.
Best of Luck,'

Say something gentle like, "I'd like to eat less meat, can we try veggie dogs and fake chicken?" Cutting down on meat is a good effort even if you don't totally eliminate it. Get cookbooks and poke around on Your parents will be less freaked out if you couple your lack of meat eating with the cooking of delicious vegetarian dishes, especially if you clean up the kitchen after.

first there is no such thing as a meat eating vegetarian.if you continue to eat meat then you will not be a vegetarian. i constantly tell this to the morons that ask me 'but you eat fish dont you?'
anyway there are fake meats that taste nearly identical to real meat,especially the soy based kind.
have all the facts ready before you tell your parents so they will know that the common myths arent true about it.
there are so many sites with info on this but i will just list a couple here.

You can get some vegetarian hot dogs that are pretty close approximations of the real thing. Yves makes a good one.

Talk it over with your parents. Tell them you want to start eating more vegetables and less meat. Make some good vegetarian recipies and see if you can get them hooked.

"Everyone has one sense of taste" you may say.

To answer your question, a vegetarian eating birds doesn't make any sense... So no, If I were you I wouldn't consume chicken and still call myself a vegetarian...

They make good chicken substitutes... plus, after a while... you don't even want chicken anymore... in fact, it will probably make you sick to look at... makes me sick...

As far as telling your parents, it depends on how your parents are... some parents are really cool with it, some freak out. If you think your parents would be cool, then just tell them.
If they are the type to freak out, then I would suggest to break it to them, ONLY when you are knowledgeable about vegetarianism... >honestly, I would suggest learning everything you can about vegetarianism either way, knowledge is fun! LOL<
Anyways, Good luck.
Hope this helped.
If you need some websites, Feel free to e-mail me>actually most of us will be happy to help you out<

Edit: Of course you could still eat pasta... Just make sure that the sauce you put on it isn't meat sauce.

try vegemeat and tofus. Vegemeat are superbly delicious and taste like meat. The basic ingredient for this food is flour-or something else, trust me, this is a great food.

k well.... there are two solution i could think of:
1. become a vegetarian and buy other things from brands such as MorningStar that is actually sy meat (aka meatless meat). sladas are always nice :]
2. become a vegetarian to every type of meat except chicken and fiish. this is he easier route, except for the daunting fact that chicken is the most abused animal on the face of the earth :[.

your parents probably wont make a huge deal abut it. they will get pretty annoyed at first. hopefully, they are accepting but if not, just eat the sides at family dinners and when you go out to eat, get soemthing meat free!!!

p.s. NEVER eat at KFC

Sorry to tell you but a vegetarian* is someone who doesn't eat meat. Meat includes poultry, my dear.
You can't feel sorrow for killing animals, with an exception to chickens, turkeys, and other poultry. You can't so 90% of the way without the other 10%
Think it over, and if you decide to become a full on vegetarian, try it out before you tell all about it.
With your parents, you're not telling them something that will terrify them, or something they'll be dissapointed in. So, don't worry too much. Ease into it, if that's what you decide to do.

Good luck!
P.S. If you like chicken, than you should try out the non-meat knock offs.
I personally LOVE and am completely addicted to Boca Burgers Chik'n patties! They are amazing!

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