Why do I crave spicy food so much right now???!


Why do I crave spicy food so much right now???

I know why I crave chocolate and why I crave carbs but why do i crave spicy food so much lately? Do I want more spice in my life or is it an inside thing?

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6 days ago
I eat it alot lately and when I don't it's the only thing I want to eat.

6 days ago
I eat it alot lately and when I don't it's the only thing I want to eat.

Spicy foods contain plenty of Capsaicin, this induces production of our bodies own analgesics like endorphins and enkephalins-they cause a sense of euphoria. I like spicy foods myself because of this.

Spicy food usually is spicy due to some type of hot peppers. Peppers contain capsaicin which is a chemical that tricks your body into releasing morphine which is made from endorphins in the body. The hotter the food, the more morphine is made and it can give you a slight high and eventually you crave more but don't worry, its not bad for you.

It's to offset your sweetness kiwi... ; )

generally cravings indicate the body is lacking in something .. so if you crave hot n spicey foods .. could be your circulatory system is needing a boost .. could be lots of other things too .. however .. i have one suggestion:
try eating some hot n spicey foods .. probly cure the craving anyway! lol ...
if you have cold hands and/or feet .. or if your legs ache .. then you probly have poor circulation .. peppers will help that .. garlic is good for it too .. so is exercise ..
hot n spicey is good for ya though .. could crave lots worse!

I don't know, but I don't think spicy wings are gonna be in short supply anytime soon. Dig it and enjoy.

Is it that 'time of the month'? I always crave spicy things and salty things during that time. Lol.


we all have a little mexican in us, not derogatory in any way,

now im wanting something spicy....

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