How can I produce ghee at home using butter?!


How can I produce ghee at home using butter?

Put the butter in a big bowl and whip it until soft. Now add lots of ice cubes to this and mix well. ( you could do this manually or in a mixer ). Once the ice melts you'll find some white stuff floating on top. This is Ghee.
You can collect this and use it for immediate use.
However if you plan to store the Ghee for a longer duration, then you need to collect this fatty stuff and heat in a pan until all the extra water evaporates. You'll be left with Ghee that can be cooled and stored. This will stay for a couple of months.
What the others have suggested can also be done, but there is a remote chance of the sediments getting burnt, this will give a burnt odor to the Ghee.
You can also get Ghee from Milk Cream, collect it and add a tsp of Yogurt to it. Follow the method as mentioned above with butter. In this case the residue left after collecting the fat will be Buttermilk. You can season it with salt and chili powder and roasted cummin seeds and have yourself a nice cooling drink.


sit in a tub of it for 3 hours inder a full moon and add a spoonful of sugar and a bowlful of blood

Boil it .

Heat unsalted butter (salted does not work) in a pan over medium heat until it is melted. No need to stir it at all.

Watch it closely so it doesn't burn. When you see a foam floating on the top and some sediment at the bottom, it is done.

Skim off the foamy white top and throw it away. Pour the liquid into a jar while straining out the sediment with a really fine strainer or pour out slowly and leave the sediment in the pan to discard later.

Done properly, ghee does not need refrigeration and will keep a long time.

If you want to, look for a recipe for clarified butter which is also called ghee if you want to double check my information.

Enjoy it, it's great stuff.

Before you want to make ghee at home, thaw the butter for 15 to 30 min. at room temperature. Then put the butter(sticks) in a medium sauce pan and heat it on medium heat.

Gently stir the melting butter in between. When the butter is melted well and you get clear bubbles at the top, turn the heat to low. Wait till you see brown spots in the pan. If you see those spots, then the ghee is ready and you can store it for 3 months max. (you have to cool it well before storing)

place butter in a pot and place it on the stove till it is melted and soewhat clear. then take it off and let it sit. you have ghee.

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