For serious vegetarians only.....?!


For serious vegetarians only.....?

I'm a meat eater and always will be. I see your posts all the time and am curious what the vegetarian "thought process" is on this.... Assumming that for whatever reason you are one, i am guessing that you wish that everyone would follow suite. what is the game plan for all the animals that are currently out there and how would you handle population control. I'm not harshing on vegetarians, to each his/her own. I'm looking for some thought provoking dialogue and sincere long thought out answers. Have it at........

Well I'm a meat eater too, but I just wanted to say Plants have feelings too.

Don't you feel guilty every time you snap into a carrot?


Edit: To the person below:

Hunters are a big factor not only for tourism in many states but for population and disease control. Without hunting and hunters (99% Meat Eaters) states would be overpopulated with Deer. An overpopulation of Deer for example would result in a widespread disease outbreak into the Deer population, causing a contamination to wildlife, but also a painful, miserable death to animals.

PETA, has also been linked to violent bombing of animal testing facilities where HUMANS work. Taking that into consideration which do you think is more important; Humans or Animals?

I don't see tigers complaining with a choice of what they eat. They wold eat a human in a heartbeat. You know why? Because its food. Nutritious food that is readily available and has always been a staple of many diets around the world.

Simple fact is, the only sane reason for being a vegetarian would be the unlikely fact that you do not like its flavor.

Edit: To Vegan Douche:

Father is an Active DNR (Department of Natural Resources) Officer for the State of West Virginia (37 Years+). One of the largest recreational hunting states in America. Tag limit here at maximum can be up to 8 Deer in one season. CWD (Chronic Wasting Diesease) is becoming very widespread in our state and Biologists, Naturalists, Politicans & Conservationists have agreed that an 8 Deer tag limit is not suffice for the job in the past years due to the overpopulation of Deer.

Your one tag limit must be for California or another urbanized state.

Not all people believe that everyone should become a vegetarian. There are many different reasons that people are vegetarian, including ethical(animal welfare), health, religion, environment, etc.

I can only speak for myself in the matter. I would like to see animals treated more humanly and not killed for food, but I fully believe that everyone has a choice in the matter and ridiculing, harassing, and hating people for their food choice is not different than prejudices against race, religion, creed, etc. Unfortunately there are a lot of people than believe their way is the only one and those who do not conform are not as good as they are.

I will always advocate freedom of choice, no matter how much I would love to see animals free from slaughter and the torture they go through because of the meat industry. I respect the right of others to choose their own path in life. I enjoy my freedom to choose the diet that I feel is best for me and the world as a whole. I remember a quote from a cartoon from when I was a child "These gentle creatures have a life of thier own, if you can't make it better than leave them alone."

As for population control... without the meat industry breeding more animals the ones that are around now would simply live and die. People do not eat polar bears and bald eagles, and there is not an over run of these animals. A simple neutering of males would control excessive breeding.

Weird quetion what do you mean by Game Plan ?, population control ? whose ? humans are multiplying as such irrespective of diet they eat. As far as animal population goes nature has its own check you dont need to help nature.

Population control? Please email me direct information addressing this issue and if it is not one you read of and conjured yourself please send me information more specific on it? Nature takes care of itself and there are still plenty of natural predators outside of our social domestication. I am open to any thing though you can provide that says otherwise.. but I doubt if we stop hunting animals it's really going to change much. I can't imagine enough of our society actually hunts to make a difference and with most animal tags limited to one (if your lucky to get a draw in most states for a lot of locations.) Anyways show me more please.

Well, i'm vegetarian because i do not see the need to inflict pain, cruelty, totture and death on other animals in order to survive. Its just not necessary.

So I don't have a "game plan" as you put it.

You want to eat meat ? carry on. But i do find meat-eaters try to deny the activities they sponsor. Its not the farmers fault, it the meat-buyers fault. If you're happy with that, and many are happy with inflicting pain, cruelty,, torture and death, then carry on - but please be honest with yourselves and others.

There would be no over-population of animals if the world reduced its meat consumption. In fact, the world will have to reduce its meat consumption in order to support the growing human population, the current inefficiency of animal rearing is not sustainable for a larger population.

Pure breads of cattle, pigs, sheep, chickens etc would survive, the ones that would die out are the hormone injected cross-bred freaks that exist only for the meat industry.

Many people, like me and my family, have the land to keep pets and so we have a range of pure-breed cows, sheep and chickens. They would not die out and are free to live a natural life with plenty of land to roam.

Grump023 symbolises why this forum has little patience for many meat-eaters.
1) They IGNORED the question which was for "vegetariasn only"
2) they offered no intial arguement and came in to re-edit to criticise other answers
3) They somehow made a mad leap from carrots have feelings to deer hunting to desease control to tigers eating animals to it tasting good. All cliched and bizarre meat-eater comments we see regularly that are designed to deflect from the cetral discussion, and they still fail to make any rational arguement or common sense that actually supports the meat industry. Quite suprised you didn't also say we've got canine teeth.

yeah i do thik everyone you cease taking part in the exploitation of non human animals. (and humans too)
Population control would not be a problem animals who are eaten are farmed for it, it's an industry, most meat does not come from the 'wild'.
But I the human population would grow because there wouldn't be so many people dying of heart disease and cancer.

what do u mean game plan? FYI this is the real world. I am sure that nature can take care of its self. You know because of hunting to much this earth no longer has the passenger pigeon?

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